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Thread: Selling my Deus I with 3 coils and 2 controllers

  1. #1

    Selling my Deus I with 3 coils and 2 controllers

    Picked up a second coil for my Deus 2 so I no longer need the Deus 1 as a backup. My D1 is well used but everything works just fine. Still a top of the line machine. It comes with the 2 controllers, the X35 11" coil and cover, the HF 9" coil and cover, and the original 11" coil. All you need is another shaft set up and you have 2 Deus 1s. You might want to replace the foam ear pads on the W4 controller (less than $5) but other than that it's good to go.

    Asking $450 shipped for everything. If you were to by a new X35 11" coil, that alone would cost you $399.


    Oldest find: 5,000 year old copper spearhead
    Oldest coin: 1699 William III halfpenny
    Purdiest coin: 1832 Capped Bust quarter
    Coolest find: USA button with blue threads still on shank

    "He who would search for pearls must dive below."

  2. #2
    That's a really good price. I'd buy it except I already have a Deus I and II.
    Oldest Coin: 100-60 BC Gallic bronze coin (Sequani Tribe) ☺Oldest Silver Coin: 1156 hammered Pfennig from (now) Bavaria ☺Oldest U.S. coin: 1805 Draped Bust Large Cent ☺Best Coins EVER: 1625 4 Sols from Kingdom of Chateau Renaud, France, 1662 15 Kreuzers, Leopold I, Austria ☺Best Relics: Bronze Age Arrowheads & Spearhead, 2c Roman silver ring, complete medieval knight's spur (x6) ☺YouTube Channel: Full Metal Digger ☺Instagram: Full_Metal_Digger ☺

  3. #3
    Administrator del's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Still have it Jeff ?
    "Honesty is an expensive gift ,
    so don't expect it from cheap people"

    XP Deus II , DFX ,TDI sl -

    Click here to view my finds album

  4. #4
    I do Dan. If I had a PayPal account I could have sold it 2 or 3 times. I guess I need to get with the times.
    Oldest find: 5,000 year old copper spearhead
    Oldest coin: 1699 William III halfpenny
    Purdiest coin: 1832 Capped Bust quarter
    Coolest find: USA button with blue threads still on shank

    "He who would search for pearls must dive below."

  5. #5
    Hi Dan, saw your IM, responded and sent you a new one just in case.
    Oldest find: 5,000 year old copper spearhead
    Oldest coin: 1699 William III halfpenny
    Purdiest coin: 1832 Capped Bust quarter
    Coolest find: USA button with blue threads still on shank

    "He who would search for pearls must dive below."

  6. #6
    This D1 has been sold.
    Oldest find: 5,000 year old copper spearhead
    Oldest coin: 1699 William III halfpenny
    Purdiest coin: 1832 Capped Bust quarter
    Coolest find: USA button with blue threads still on shank

    "He who would search for pearls must dive below."

  7. #7
    Administrator del's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Lodge Scent View Post
    This D1 has been sold.
    Ron said Thanks and sorry he couldn't be there in person to meet you yesterday.

    I an terribly sorry about the rain Jeff , and whenever you wanna go back to those sites give me a call . I go back anytime .

    "Honesty is an expensive gift ,
    so don't expect it from cheap people"

    XP Deus II , DFX ,TDI sl -

    Click here to view my finds album

  8. #8
    Dan, I know you can conjure up a copper or a shoe buckle pretty much at will but I don't think those skills apply to controlling the weather. Hey we had a few good hours before the deluge. That fatty I dug was a '63. Tell Ron I wish him happy hunting. That D1 never found anything made of gold for me, so I expect him to find some yellow shiny stuff right out of the gate. I will take you up on your offer!

    Oldest find: 5,000 year old copper spearhead
    Oldest coin: 1699 William III halfpenny
    Purdiest coin: 1832 Capped Bust quarter
    Coolest find: USA button with blue threads still on shank

    "He who would search for pearls must dive below."

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