I have to thank Mel (M-Taliesin) for showing us newcomers to AD how to post photos at this site. Tanacat also tried to explain another method to me for doing the same thing, but I'm still trying to figure that one out.


I have a modest suggestion to the Administrators of AD that would be extremely helpful to all concerned (i.e., anyone new to this site, or anyone still trying to figure out how to use the AD site). I apologize if all of this has been done somewhere on AD already. If so, please direct me to this location. HELP!!!

My suggestion is this:
Start a totally separate subject section that headlines on the homepage (just like all the other categories like Administrator Announcements). Title this section something like Navigating American Detectorist. In this section, post permanent entries (allow no other postings) that explain things like, how to enter a post, how to post photos, how to add an avatar photo (correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe an avatar photo is the photo that appears with each post), how to view a member's profile, how to PM another member, etc., etc., etc. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I know that a lot to this is real simple and easy to do. However, one needs to assume that someone new to the site does not know how do any of these, in some cases relatively simple, things. As a courtesy to these new members we need to return to the old saw, I know noth-ting.

It only makes sense.....right.....