Getting a late start because of the over night/ early morning rain we had (and needed badly!) The little lady had some errands to do. So I said I'll see ya in a couple of hours! and off I went. thumbsup01 I went back to the same park I found my silver total tying Merc at last week. It was nice and cool after the rains past which made for a nice start to the hunt. But that would soon change It got hot out again which kept me under the shelter of the old shade trees again I was able to find 5 more wheaties, a very surprising 1883 IH . As the temps were at a boil and the finds starting to slow down I was about ready to go . Wanting one more goodie for the keeper pouch (hoping for silver ) I get what we all wait for. A sweet 12-47 at 6-7 inches I said a little prayer. If this is a silver I'm powering down and leaving! So I dug down about 5 inches and the PP said still 2 inches to go lol so I pulled out about 3 or 4 more inches of dirt and I seen the beautiful sight of the rim of a silver quarter! <: But when I brushed the dirt away and seen the eagle in flight on the rear I said &quotH yeah!! Standing Liberty baby! <: Sweet! I reached over and hit the power button and headed for the truck. thumbsup01
Thanks for lookin' & HH