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Thread: Sure Fired HPs For Comfort?

  1. #1

    Sure Fired HPs For Comfort?

    Sorry if I've asked this before but what set of good HPs is fool proof for those exxperiencing pain with ear lobes and hearing aids? The Sunrays Golds are insufficient. martin

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Lowjiber's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Re: Sure Fired HPs For Comfort?

    Here's a point-of-contact that may be of some help...

    I suggest calling John Smith, the owner of Killer B's, and discussing it with him. Perhaps he can offer a cup size that will accommodate your hearing aid.

    If he has something that will work, he'll build you a set of headphones.

    I'll PM you his number.
    I've traveled a long way, and many of the roads weren't paved.

  3. #3

    Re: Sure Fired HPs For Comfort?

    Thanks. martin

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