Over 50 hunters met at Boy Scout Camp near Columbus Ohio and had a great weekend. Got lucky and didn't get rained out Friday or Sat (there was constant talk of impending storm and tornadic winds). I'm not sure about Sunday- I left early, on Sat night... Anyway my first big group hunt was great! I didn't find any silver or gold, but lots of copper! I had wires hanging off my belt so heavy it kept pulling me over to the left rofl I found some boy scout slides which I was happy with, souvenirs so to speak. Total clad $5.34 and one wheatie I think 1928, it's pretty worn.
One of the best part of the hunt was meeting and hunting with Illdigger- he's very cool And all the other folks. I wish I could of hunted with Handyman, Magic and Magic's Girl, but I was trying to stick kinda close to my family's campsite because my cellphone was out of range (my mom, hubby and 2 young boys)... they were all adventurous going to the other side of camp to where they knew were some old farmhouses. Can't wait to see pics of your finds!
Our campsite- see all the detectorist in a huddle in background
My TOTAL copper so far- it makes finding pennies a little more fun lol
I think copper is up to $3.48 lb? Adds up!