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Thread: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

  1. #1
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    1st full day with the X-5 coil

    My second time out with the X-5 coil for the E Trac. The first time out was at a house under construction and was not the environment I was earger to try this coil out in. It was a good hunt but a short one at that house. But today I had a good couple of hours to try the X-5 in the type of hunting I like and the reason I bought the coil....Cellar Holes Went to a site Del and I hit pretty good and has been good to us in return. This is where I found a bunch of Connecticut coppers and my Nova Constellatio. I was interested in seeing how many non ferrous targets we were mising due to too large a coil and the dreaded Masking effect. I was not dissapointed today. Aside from a lot of larger iron that was reading well, I found a large number of non ferrous objects that we should not have missed. Masking is definitely a problem needed to be dealt with. I did dig a nice full barn or large door hinge, and some larger Iron buckles. But the &quot buckles found in quantity was puzzling. How did we miss those? Directly inbetween the 2 sections of the cellar hole I found this George III copper and right in the barn lane, I found the 1888 Indian. Both areas we have hit hard and are full of iron readings. My machine was in constant null for most of the time. So far this coil has lived up to it's reputation as a great snipper coil. I ran Ferrous, 2 tones, with only 31-35 discriminated out, fast off, deep on, manual sensitivity at 28 with almost no chatter. I can't even do that with my pro coil! So far this coil is a success! thumbsup01
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    Finding relics is in my blood

    GPX 5000, CTX 3030, E Trac, Vista Gold

  2. #2

    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Well looks like you are having fun with the x5. We don't have the very old coin where I live, you are lucky there. The little does very good in thrash. Let use here more.

  3. #3

    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Thanks for the followup, George. That is a very good haul from a worked over and iron-ladened site. That coil sounds like a definite keeper!

  4. #4
    Administrator del's Avatar
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    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    hey nice results from the coil and best of all a decent looking copper congrats . whats the year on the copper it looks like a counterfiet but a nice one . i'm glad the coil is what you were hoping for George but the bad news is no more new sites for you , you just get the pounded ones from now on lol rofl rofl .
    "Honesty is an expensive gift ,
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  5. #5
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Well looks like you are having fun with the x5. We don't have the very old coin where I live, you are lucky there. The little does very good in thrash. Let use here more.
    Thanks John, As I take it out more, I will be updating everyone with the results I get in my area for the types of hunting I do. This hunt was particularly interesting since we had done this place fairly well as did others I'm sure. Now I'm not sure if other small coils could have done the same thing, but since I sold most of the other small coils, I can only say this: The X-5 had very solid good depth with some of the targets coming in at 5-6 and had iron either around the targets or mixed with them or both. I ran my sensitivity at 28 (out of 30) and had no issues. I would love to hear if anyone has tried the coil on other (non Minelab) machines. Because if it works on their machine like it performed on mine, they will be very happy to say the least.

    Quote Originally Posted by angellionel View Post
    Thanks for the followup, George. That is a very good haul from a worked over and iron laden site. That coil sounds like a definite keeper!
    I can see the gears turing in your head lol Hmmm... maybe I need a small coil for the parks? rofl I bet you would like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by del View Post
    hey nice results from the coil and best of all a decent looking copper congrats . whats the year on the copper it looks like a counterfiet but a nice one . i'm glad the coil is what you were hoping for George but the bad news is no more new sites for you , you just get the pounded ones from now on lol rofl rofl .
    Yep, it's even nicer in hand and so is the Indian. I just removed a little bit of crud and the date is 1773. If I remember correctly it came in a solid copper. Mater a fact it came in 12-40 with the iron all around it (which is real low), but the probe said 12-46 in the hole. So if it's counterfeit, it sure reads good lol Did you get a chance to go out? So I just get the pounded sites now?? If I get one or more coppers every time out, I'd be a happy man
    Finding relics is in my blood

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  6. #6
    Administrator del's Avatar
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    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Quote Originally Posted by coinnut View Post
    Yep, it's even nicer in hand and so is the Indian. I just removed a little bit of crud and the date is 1773. If I remember correctly it came in a solid copper. Mater a fact it came in 12-40 with the iron all around it (which is real low), but the probe said 12-46 in the hole. So if it's counterfeit, it sure reads good lol Did you get a chance to go out? So I just get the pounded sites now?? If I get one or more coppers every time out, I'd be a happy man
    the reason i ask is it has the same look as my 1776 counterfiet and as you know the 1770-78 years were rampant with fakes , good fakes .next weekend bring it with you or better yet post a real good front and back to varify and satisfy my superior intellect lol lol no i stayed at the campsite all weekend long , it was fathers day theme at the campground so we did activities with the girls ( boy they killed me at uno) lol lol but had a great time .
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  7. #7

    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Quote Originally Posted by coinnut View Post
    I can see the gears turing in your head lol Hmmm... maybe I need a small coil for the parks? rofl I bet you would like it.
    Exactly! lol

  8. #8

    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Nice report on the X-5 coil. I really like mine for the trashy areas and it gets pretty good depth for a coil that size. I recently hunted around an old farm house that had so much iron my E-Trac was in constant null with the Pro coil. I'm planning on taking the E-Trac back with the X-5 mounted and see what I missed with the Pro coil. Good luck with your new coil, I'm sure it will prove to be a valuable tool for sorting thru the iron and trash in cellar holes.
    E-Trac, Spectra V3, MXT, Musketeer Advantage, Compadre and UniProbe.

  9. #9
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Just an update on the x-5 coil results. Kind of a rehash of my last couple of hunts. The coil seems to work equally well if you have some discrimination (FE 31-35) but also works well with no discrimination (wide open screen). With disc on, it can sometimes be in constant null, but will still poke through with a high tone along with the null. In an open screen, it will give you a high tone along with the machine gun low tones you get in an iron patch. I have yet to get an iffy hit so I can switch between the two screens, but so far either set up finds the targets in iron. What is really nice about this coil is the stability it has, even when I max out the sensitivity to 30. Now it may false and chirp every once in a while, especially if airplanes fly overhead , but for the most part it is very, very, smooth. So far it has netted me that 1773 George III 1/2 penny, 1888, 1903, 1906 Indians, a Flying Eagle cent, (2 Mercury dimes and several wheats - Park finds), Along with a lot of other non ferrous targets that were missed. This is from 3, hard hit cellar holes and 1 park visit. I am still impressed with this coil, and amazed at how well this size coil can find the deeper coins. 6-7 is a lot for a 5 coil, and I'm not even sure if that is the limits of it. If I can hit a definite, documented coin at 8 with this coil, I would be thrilled. The separation of items in close proximinity is the best of any coil I have ever had. I will keep you updated on my next hunt with it.
    Finding relics is in my blood

    GPX 5000, CTX 3030, E Trac, Vista Gold

  10. #10

    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Wow you found alot!! Im wondering if u missed the buckles due to the iron shank in the center(they seem to be iron not sure).You should have got them with the pro coil in 2 tone /AM youd think..I have a 5 inch excelerator coil from kellyco.Im gonna take it with me next time I hit the woods.Ive never really gotten anything over 5 or 6 inches deep tho,so Im worried Ill miss the deeper stuff...your coil is from sunray right??I may have to grab one of those.Thx for the pics,You did awesome! HH

  11. #11
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Quote Originally Posted by NiagaraCountyNY View Post
    Wow you found alot!! Im wondering if u missed the buckles due to the iron shank in the center(they seem to be iron not sure).You should have got them with the pro coil in 2 tone /AM youd think..I have a 5 inch excelerator coil from kellyco.Im gonna take it with me next time I hit the woods.Ive never really gotten anything over 5 or 6 inches deep tho,so Im worried Ill miss the deeper stuff...your coil is from sunray right??I may have to grab one of those.Thx for the pics,You did awesome! HH
    Yes, the coil is the X-5 from Sunray. I'm not sure why I didn't find the buckles with the pro coil But it may have to do with the overwelming iron that an 11 coil can see. I'm thinking that if you move a bit too fast with the 11 coil and you don't cross the desired target close to the center of the coil, you may miss it. I was most impressed with the colonial copper that it found. I have been over that small patch more that 5 times and never heard that signal. The patch is between two parts of the cellar hole and isn't much bigger than 10x20 feet. One of the Indians was also in a strip of grass where the barn was and we hit that many times over. Try your 5 coil out in both minimul disc and wide open and go slow. If you get any non ferrous targets at a pounded site, it is worth the price of the coil. The key is to have a coil that you can adjust the sensitivity to any amount without falsing. This is why I love my 5 coil. Almost no falsing I realise there are limits to it's depth, but the separation is what I am really after. They also make an 8 coil, and if it works the same, with little to no falsing, that will increase the depth quite a bit!
    Finding relics is in my blood

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  12. #12
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    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Even the junk you guys find is cool.

  13. #13
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Quote Originally Posted by zrickkid View Post
    Even the junk you guys find is cool.
    We sure do find some odd stuff lol I wish we knew what some of it was for I've learned to have a lot of respect for the women and men of the colonial period. They worked their butts off and still had time to play. Just think, you knew and liked your neighbors and probably ony locked your doors when you went out of town Oh yeah, there were no telemarketers lol
    Finding relics is in my blood

    GPX 5000, CTX 3030, E Trac, Vista Gold

  14. #14

    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    First, I am new here and glad I found this site. Seems to have a lot of useful information. I have had my E-trac for two weeks and still trying to learn all the features. I also have the 5 coil. Fantastic coil in trash. But I have a question. Do you notice that the depth reading is a little off with the 5 coil. Several times it would show 6 deep and would only be about 4. All depths were off 1 to 2 inches.


  15. #15
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    Re: 1st full day with the X-5 coil

    Quote Originally Posted by tmanly View Post
    First, I am new here and glad I found this site. Seems to have a lot of useful information. I have had my E-trac for two weeks and still trying to learn all the features. I also have the 5 coil. Fantastic coil in trash. But I have a question. Do you notice that the depth reading is a little off with the 5 coil. Several times it would show 6 deep and would only be about 4. All depths were off 1 to 2 inches.

    Hey Tom, Welcome aboard. All depths are calibrated to a certain size coil. If you go smaller, the readings are off in one direction. If you go larger they are off in the other direction. This is just a normal result of changing coils from the standard coil. You get used to it after a while. Throw in the fact that they are also calibrated to a certain size target too, (I believe it's calibrated to a US dime) and the readings change also. An aluminum can at two feet may say 6 while a dime at 6 will read that too.
    Finding relics is in my blood

    GPX 5000, CTX 3030, E Trac, Vista Gold

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