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Thread: Greetings from an American in Germany

  1. #1

    Greetings from an American in Germany

    Howdy, 'Yall

    I am Lance, I currently live in Schweinfurt, Germany. In the next few years my wife and I will be moving back to the Omaha, Ne. area.

    I am a metal detector, who does not get many permissions here in town, as many people have the completely false impression what a metal detector does. Many think all we do is tear up land, and leave it in shambles when we are done. I am working on changing that.

    I am also the founder of the YouTube series, Global Detection Adventures. Which is a video series, composed of other metal detectors videos from around the world, to make a "Global Roundup" show, to introduce people in other countries to great metal detectors around the world. There is a link to the submitters YouTube channel, which the viewer can then click, view and subscribe to their channel. Our goal is to introduce people around the world to metal detectors they may have never seen on YouTube before.

    We take no credit for the videos, outside the editing and construction process, and all videos remain the property of the metal detector. It is simply a tool for reaching out to others.

    We also created an international club of metal detectors, the GDA team, which works on repairing the view on metal detecting, primarily in Europe, but world wide, to help make metal detecting a more accepted hobby. In Europe illegal metal detecting is costing millions of dollars in damage to protected areas, conservation and archaeological areas each month. Our team offers assistance to law enforcement and archaeologists around the globe to help safeguard these areas from these so called "Nighthawks." If we ever come across any signs of illegal digging, either on private property, or protected areas, we will immediately report it to the pertinent authorities in that country. We have so far helped in apprehending one illegal metal detector in Germany, and reported others in England. Of which the German one was reportedly responsible for selling national treasures he had stolen from the grounds of a castle, on the black market.

    I would like to invite anyone to share their videos with me, to use in a future episode of GDA, it is simple, write me here, or on Google+ and say simply, I would like to see my videos on your show. I will then download and edit into our show, linking your channel for all to visit.

    Our newest episode came out last night, and I invite everyone to view and share it as they like:

    Our youtube channel is:

    I look forward to sharing my finds here soon with you all. I am currently working on a permission where the American Soldiers bivouacked over night prior to attacking the town of Schweinfurt, where I live.
    If I find anything, I will happily share it here.

    It is great to find this forum, and hope to talk with you soon.

    Lance "Lancelot" Goolsby
    Global Detection Adventures

  2. #2
    Candidate Member USN Retired's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum from SW GA
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  3. #3
    Administrator del's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Hello Lance , welcome to the forum . I wish and your family safe travels back to the states and thank you for your service to our country. let us know when you get back to Omaha.

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  4. #4
    Full Member mownomo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Holly Lake Ranch, Texas
    Hi Lance,
    Welcome from The Lone Star State. The Video was a hoot. I've never seen so much enthusiasm from anyone like Dawn. Glad you found the forum and hope to see more of your finds. God bless you and yours.
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