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Thread: ☆☆ Capping off a Great Week in New England !! ☆☆

  1. #1
    Global Moderator Ill Digger's Avatar
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    N. Illinois

    ☆☆ Capping off a Great Week in New England !! ☆☆

    Here's my version of the Illinois invasion.
    Last Friday I took off for Connecticut for a week of metal detecting for things I simply cannot find around here.

    6 hours down the road I stopped for the night in a town in Ohio. In the morning I detected the town square for 4 hours before getting back on the road. I nabbed 6 wheaties and a 1907 Barber Dime.

    Back on the road by 2 PM. Next stop...Weathersfield Connecticut!

    Sunday morning after breakfast the group gathered at Lee's house and did a quick meet and greet where Lee showed us his 1730 1 real. We then followed Lee to a park where I found a few wheaties and a silver Rosie. After that he took us to his field where he found his real.
    Plenty of room to swing for all 9 of us.

    One of the best things I seen come out of the ground the whole week was the Spanish Cob Lee dug!

    My finds included: 2 ox knobs, a skeleton key, a flat button and a musket ball.

    Monday morning we woke up to rain, so I grabbed the Excalibur and headed back to Lee's field where I came up with this button

    After digging the button I got a call from Tom (Hiluxyoda) wanting to know if I wanted to meet up and check out some parks. At the last park right before dusk I found this bullet.
    Not knowing too much about bullets I'm going to need some help from our bullet experts on this one.

    Tuesday morning after breakfast we headed an hour South to meet up with Johnny (Guess It Was Fate Metal Detecting) to hunt the happy hunting grounds. After our daily meet and greet we only had an hour and a half to hunt before the storm moved in. But before it made it there I was able to dig up a few wheaties and a 1900 IH.

    Wednesday mornings meet and greet at Al's colonial field (minus Lee who's behind the camera.)

    I think everybody made some great finds. One of the items I'd hoped to find on my trip was a Dandy button which I was lucky enough to find here.

    Here's a closer look at the Dandy and a few other farm fresh items. Like a musket ball, Buff nic, bail seal, and a small button with a star in the center.

    A 1964 Montague Mass. Dog license, buttons and whatzits.

    Thursday morning after breakfast Dave, Tom and I headed North to meet Dan for a day of colonial cellar hole hunting.
    Here we are after just shy of a 10 mile cellar hole excursion.

    Here's what I gathered from the day. Including my very first ox shoe!!!

    He's a little toasty, but it's a 1730 KGII!!!

    Thanks again Dan!
    Friday's forcasted called for another all day soaker The rest of the crew packed up and headed for home. Deciding to go into town get something for the wife. The gift shops didn't open till 11 am. So as I was going to skip the gift and get on the road I spotted a small lot in town! Any ground in Wethersfield is ground worth checking. As I killed a hour or 2 or 3 or..... well around the 6 hours mark I decided I better pack it up before the gift shop closed for the day. It turned out to be a good call! I made some nice finds. With everything from Zincolins to Colonial buttons! Even a cool 925 ring with what looks like sea turtles nose to tail.
    Also bagged a Buff, a bail seal, and another big musket ball.

    After a couple of stops for gifts it was time for me to start heading back west for Illinois. I made it as far as mid-state New York before pulling over for the night. When I woke up Saturday morning I figured it out. I could hunt till 2, drive straight home and be there by midnight. So I left the hotel and headed for the countryside. I knocked on 3 doors of homes dated 1811, 1812, and 1812. I was shot down at each of them with NOs. By this time I'm little hesitant to ask anyone else. But there was a small farm house nearby that looked mid to late 1800s. As I pulled up I could make out a small sign next to the door stating it was built in 1810!! Older than the other 3!! Time was flying. I managed a 3 wheat spill, some clad before getting a nice 1929 Merc! A couple minutes later a couple more wheats and then a 1946 Rosie! By this time it was 2 o'clock. Time to go After finally finding a couple of silver I talked myself into making one more loop around the yard. As I made it down to the road and stared back to my truck I got a 11-44 @ 4 inches. Going up to 12-45 a couple of swings. I dug a shallow hole ,checked the plug... nothing. Checked bottom of the hole and a 12-44,45. Figuring it was a memorial but decided to dig carefully. I pulled out a small plug of dirt out of the bottom of the hole , broke it open and seen silver again!! But this one was different
    I carefully pulled it out and seen this!

    Shaking like a leaf... I flipped it over...

    I sent the others the pictures, on cloud 9 knowing that I just dug my second Capped Bust dime!!! I stared for the truck! About 15 yards away at the base of a big maple tree I got a bouncy 11-44, 12-43 at 8 inches! Under a huge root I dug out some soil tossed it on the pile....and sitting right on top was a big copper coin... I brushed the dirt off to reveal...
    A 1827 LC!!

    What a beautiful way to Cap off a great week of detecting!!

    Here's she is!! My 1830 Capped Bust Dime

    Thank for lookin' & HH
    Last edited by Ill Digger; 04-05-2017 at 01:29 PM.
    Some days you get the corn, some days you get the cob
    ​Oldest coin: ​70 B.C. "Harlow Flyer" gold qtr. Stater
    Oldest U.S. coin: 1814 Capped Bust Dime

  2. #2
    Elite Member Digger_O'Dell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    near Milwaukee Wi.
    What an incredible hunt. Even better on the way out- that capped bust is beautiful! Congrats on a wonderful trip. Too bad you got so much rain. I'm sure next year will be even better!
    Minelab: CTX 3030, GPX 4800, X-Terra 705. Whites TDI SL.

    2024: Silver 1, Gold 0
    Best finds: 28 silver dime spill, 1800s Dutch customs seal.
    Oldest/best coins: Late 1700's Chinese Cash Coin, 1837 Upper Canada large cent, 1877 Seated Dime
    Oldest Relic find: 1800 Sailors Luck token
    You Tube: Rediscovering America
    Quote: Treasures are like potato chips, you can never have just one!

  3. #3
    Nice write-up Tim! Sad I couldn't meet up with you guys. Very glad to see you made out very well. Love that half dime!
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

  4. #4
    "Capping" off a great week... I see what you did there.

    That Capped Bust Dime is simply gorgeous, Tim! Wow, what a beauty! That's the kind of find that will put a smile on your face for a year! It's in wonderful condition with very little wear. Incredible!

    That 1827 Large Cent is nothing to sneeze at either. It looks like it will clean up even better. Stopping at that yard was very fortunate for you! AWESOME!

    Also, congrats on your new oldest coin. That 1730 KG II is something that you are unlikely to find here in Illinois. 287 years old!

    Huge congrats on a wonderful week of detecting!
    Lifetime totals:10 Large Cents, 421 Indian Heads, 2 Two Cent Pieces, 1 Capped Bust Half Dime, 1 Seated Half Dime, 10 Shield Nickels, 68 V Nickels, 125 Buffalo Nickels, 31 War Nickels, 16 Seated Dimes, 133 Barber Dimes, 407 Mercury Dimes, 251 Rosies, 4 Seated Quarters, 18 Barber Quarters, 21 Standing Liberty Quarters, 90 Silver Washingtons, 1 Seated Half, 3 Barber Halves, 17 Walking Liberty HalvesYouTube Channel: Tony Two-Cent

  5. #5
    Congrats Tim on all your great finds. The 1830 dime is an awesome find and I'm sure made your trip even better. I had a great time detecting with you and hope we can do it again soon. Best wishes and HH, Dave.
    Oldest Coin: 100-60 BC Gallic bronze coin (Sequani Tribe) ☺Oldest Silver Coin: 1156 hammered Pfennig from (now) Bavaria ☺Oldest U.S. coin: 1805 Draped Bust Large Cent ☺Best Coins EVER: 1625 4 Sols from Kingdom of Chateau Renaud, France, 1662 15 Kreuzers, Leopold I, Austria ☺Best Relics: Bronze Age Arrowheads & Spearhead, 2c Roman silver ring, complete medieval knight's spur (x6) ☺YouTube Channel: Full Metal Digger ☺Instagram: Full_Metal_Digger ☺

  6. #6
    Grats on the finds, Tim and it was good to see you again. Nice capped bust.

    Check with a set of calipers if you can. It looks like a .44 Watervliet Army revolver slug which would be CW era. No guarantee it's def a CW piece, but likely it is. Most today are FMJ.
    Future goals: Capped bust coin, Flowing hair LC, Classic head LC, VT copper, MA copper, Pistareen, Two-cent pc, SLQ, GW inaugural button, Excelsior button, Civil war token, and a gold ring.

  7. #7
    Elite Member Bucknut's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    SE Michigan
    Wow what a great detecting vacation you had! Nice colonial coins and LC and a sweet Capped Bust dime! Congrats!
    Detectors I use: Minelab Equinox 900 & Manticore
    Favorite finds I have made:
    1,000+ silver coins
    104pcs of 1700's Trade Era Silver
    Copper Culture Indian Artifacts
    125+ War of 1812 Era buttons and relics
    My wife
    (probably should have started with that one)

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Two-Cent View Post
    "Capping" off a great week... I see what you did there.
    I did not catch that!
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

  9. #9
    Global Moderator Fire Fighter 43's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    SE Wisconsin
    Wow!! Tim you capped off a nice week of hunting. Congrats on all the first and the KG, but that capped bust dime is a awesome find. That one alone would make the trip worth it for me. You realize you found 3 coins older than my oldest ever, WTG.

    Minelab Equinox 800, 15”Coiltek, 11” & 6”coils

    XP Deus II , 11", 9” & 11x13 coils

    Detectors since 1977: Simplex, DEUS, CTX 3030, F75 Ltd, Etrac, Excal II, V3i, DFX, GTI2000, Eagle II, 6000DI, 6DB, AlaskanTR4B, Beachcomber

  10. #10
    That dime is FANTASTIC. OK, for sure meeting up there next time folks are heading out east!


  11. #11
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Pickerel, Wisconsin
    Great summary and great bunch of pictures. The extra time was well spent. What a great bunch of coins. WD
    Total silver 8 - Goal 50 (2024 Finds) -1 SLQ ('24) - 1 Washington - 0 Barber Dimes - 2 Mercury Dimes- - 3 Roosevelt Dimes - 0 V Nickels - 0 Buffalos - 1 War Nickels - 2 Indian -- 27 Wheats - $21.97 in clad (2 1$ Bills) Relics: MILESTONES since 2012: 1700 silver coins - 8000 Clad Quarters - 500 Roosevelts - 750 Mercury Dimes

  12. #12
    Global Moderator aloldstuff's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    western mass
    Tim, a solid week of detecting with some great finds, but......that capped dime is the best.
    V3i- Prism IV- Pro Pointer
    2020 GOAL: Any Flowing Hair coin

    TOTAL 100 YEAR OLD COINS - -280
    Silver: 11

    Oldest U.S. Copper - 1795 Liberty Cap
    Oldest U.S. Silver - 1829 Capped Bust Dime extra large 10C
    Click here to view my album

  13. #13
    Very nice finds! Capped bust dime, awesome!
    Oldest coin: Roman Silver Denarius (Titus) 79-81 AD / Oldest US coin: 1786-1788 NJ Copper (x4)
    Best relics: Medieval lead seal matrix (1200s) / 1789 George Washington Inaugural Button (x2)
    Deus II / Equinox 900 - Personal website:

  14. #14
    Elite Member The Rebel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Southwest, CT
    Dude you killed it, especially with the Capped Bust!
    Minelab Manticore / SPECTRA V3i, Pro-Pointer II. Lesche Digger.
    Oldest Copper: 1694 William & Mary Halfpenny. Oldest Silver: 1663 1-Reale

    My Album

  15. #15
    I keep coming back to look at that dime!
    Oldest Coin: 100-60 BC Gallic bronze coin (Sequani Tribe) ☺Oldest Silver Coin: 1156 hammered Pfennig from (now) Bavaria ☺Oldest U.S. coin: 1805 Draped Bust Large Cent ☺Best Coins EVER: 1625 4 Sols from Kingdom of Chateau Renaud, France, 1662 15 Kreuzers, Leopold I, Austria ☺Best Relics: Bronze Age Arrowheads & Spearhead, 2c Roman silver ring, complete medieval knight's spur (x6) ☺YouTube Channel: Full Metal Digger ☺Instagram: Full_Metal_Digger ☺

  16. #16
    Fantastic week and finds! Well done!
    XP Deus

  17. #17
    Global Moderator Ill Digger's Avatar
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    Feb 2010
    N. Illinois
    Quote Originally Posted by Digger_O'Dell View Post
    What an incredible hunt. Even better on the way out- that capped bust is beautiful! Congrats on a wonderful trip. Too bad you got so much rain. I'm sure next year will be even better!
    Thanks Chris! The rain did put a damper on things, but didn't ruin everything . No one wants to detect in the rain. It cut out some of our plans for the week too. But I still had a blast!

    Quote Originally Posted by OxShoeDrew View Post
    Nice write-up Tim! Sad I couldn't meet up with you guys. Very glad to see you made out very well. Love that half dime!
    Thanks Drew! Yeah, we did pretty good for a misfit band of mid-westerners I was wondering what happened to ya. Too bad we didn't get a chance to get together this go around, next time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Two-Cent View Post
    "Capping" off a great week... I see what you did there.

    That Capped Bust Dime is simply gorgeous, Tim! Wow, what a beauty! That's the kind of find that will put a smile on your face for a year! It's in wonderful condition with very little wear. Incredible!

    That 1827 Large Cent is nothing to sneeze at either. It looks like it will clean up even better. Stopping at that yard was very fortunate for you! AWESOME!

    Also, congrats on your new oldest coin. That 1730 KG II is something that you are unlikely to find here in Illinois. 287 years old!

    Huge congrats on a wonderful week of detecting!
    You like that title huh? I thought it was fitting.
    Thank you very much Tony! I wish you could of been there.
    Who knows, hopefully next year at this time we'll all be drooling over your amazing finds from your visit. I can only imagine....

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyDigger View Post
    Congrats Tim on all your great finds. The 1830 dime is an awesome find and I'm sure made your trip even better. I had a great time detecting with you and hope we can do it again soon. Best wishes and HH, Dave.
    We better! Same go's for me Dave. I couldn't have asked for a better roommate, and therapist.
    And as for the dime, it was the icing on the cake! I just wish someone was there to call me some vulgar names.

    Quote Originally Posted by MangoAve View Post
    Grats on the finds, Tim and it was good to see you again. Nice capped bust.

    Check with a set of calipers if you can. It looks like a .44 Watervliet Army revolver slug which would be CW era. No guarantee it's def a CW piece, but likely it is. Most today are FMJ.
    Yeah, good see you too Jim! Even if was just of a little while. Where did you vanish to anyways?
    As for the bullet, I think your close. But when I looked up the Watervliet, the pictures I seen looks like it has a slight boat tail. That's were it's tapered at the base. Mine seems to be the same circumference from the base up to the beginning of the tapper to the tip. But I am going to borrow a friends caliper and measure it and the musket-balls I found out there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bucknut View Post
    Wow what a great detecting vacation you had! Nice colonial coins and LC and a sweet Capped Bust dime! Congrats!
    Thanks Jared! It was definitely a great vacation! Just being around a group of guys who all have one thing in common was very enjoyable. And our hosts were first class all the way!!

    Quote Originally Posted by OxShoeDrew View Post
    I did not catch that!
    Oh come on Drew! You of all people! I thought for sure you would've caught that one. Im sure you caught all my typos though didn't ya?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Fighter 43 View Post
    Wow!! Tim you capped off a nice week of hunting. Congrats on all the first and the KG, but that capped bust dime is a awesome find. That one alone would make the trip worth it for me. You realize you found 3 coins older than my oldest ever, WTG.
    Thank you Jeff! And thanks for the help over the phone while I was out there! And yes, finding the Capped bust dime definitely made the rest of the drive home very relaxing! Every now and then I'd look down at the counsel in my truck, were I had it sitting for the first couple of hours, and take a quick look at it, chuckle, shake my head in disbelief ,and just smile and drive...

    Quote Originally Posted by Noah View Post
    That dime is FANTASTIC. OK, for sure meeting up there next time folks are heading out east!

    Thanks Tim!

    Quote Originally Posted by wisconsin digger View Post
    Great summary and great bunch of pictures. The extra time was well spent. What a great bunch of coins. WD
    Thanks Wisconsin Digger! I sure am glad I knocked on that one last door!
    Quote Originally Posted by aloldstuff View Post
    Tim, a solid week of detecting with some great finds, but......that capped dime is the best.
    Thanks Al! I would have to say it's my favorite find of my trip too.
    And thanks again for everything you did for me and the rest of the gang! First class all the way!! You guys are alright man!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken C View Post
    Very nice finds! Capped bust dime, awesome!
    Thanks Ken! I'm still talking about it to everyone I can get to listen!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Rebel View Post
    Dude you killed it, especially with the Capped Bust!
    Thanks Rebel! I killed it? It about killed me! After Dan's 10 mile up hill both ways cellar hole hunt I'm surprised my heart didn't explode when I realized what it was!

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyDigger View Post
    I keep coming back to look at that dime!
    It is a thing of beauty ain't it .....
    Good thing it was only light out for 5 of the remaining 10 hours of my drive after finding it. I had a hard time concentrating on the road!

    Quote Originally Posted by Donnie B View Post
    Fantastic week and finds! Well done!
    Thanks Donnie!!
    You guys sure do have it made when it comes to having the history to support this great hobby! I'm truly envious!
    And thank you for the scatter tag!! I can't believe they still have a box of them laying around!! That's crazy!
    Last edited by Ill Digger; 04-08-2017 at 01:31 AM.
    Some days you get the corn, some days you get the cob
    ​Oldest coin: ​70 B.C. "Harlow Flyer" gold qtr. Stater
    Oldest U.S. coin: 1814 Capped Bust Dime

  18. #18
    Elite Member Digger Don's Avatar
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    Nov 2013
    Northern Illinois
    Tim, you had an awesome week. That kG from the cellar hole was in pretty good shape!
    So, on top of all the great stuff you dug all week, you stop on the way home and dig a Largie & a capped bust dime

    Great job Tim!! Alec and I had a blast hunting with you out east.
    Oldest Coin: 1699 William III Halfpenny

    Silver 15
    Indian 13, Buff 3, V Nik 2, Rosie 3, Barber Dime 5, SLQ 2, barber qtr 1, wash 3, war nik 1,

    YT Channel:

  19. #19
    Veteran Member BTV Digger's Avatar
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    Northern Vermont
    ...and there you go...New England/northeast metal detecting at it's best. Wow, what a great variety of finds and man, the capped bust dime. Way to go. The largies/coppers are well, common fare here but the dime is indeed a great find! Happy for you sir. Folks are a little more reserved up here in regards to the door knocking. My success rate is about 50/50. Not that they're not nice folks, just more reserved than in the midwest and south from my experience living in all three.

    Vermont relic hunting, one swing at a time.

  20. #20
    Elite Member milco's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    Milwaukee WI
    Wow Tim!!! What a great adventure! That is awesome, thanks for posting this and taking us all along for the ride! The dime is outstanding!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Minelab Equinox 600 & Whites Coinmaster, Garrett Propointer, Lesche Digger
    Oldest silver: 1853 Half-dime & 1876S Seated Quarter / Oldest coin: 1849 US Large Cent / 1854 Upper Canada One Penny Bank Token

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