Maybe I'm just way to rough on my stuff. I truly make a honest effort to protect the plug and cord on my headphones. But it seems I'm going through a pair of headphones every year or two! It's always the cord right at the plug that seems to be going bad on them. I might have good sound and with the slightest little bit of motion the sound will be fuzzy, crackling, or just go out all together.
So I figure if I just cut back on the cable a little and install new plugs I can save myself $125+ every couple of years! At least till there's no more cord left.
So that's what I did. I cut the plug off a set of Grayghost I had. There are 3 tiny wires in there. I ordered some 3 prong plugs. And that's where I'm stuck. I'm not even sure if I have the right plugs to do the job?
So my question to the forum is, has anyone ever repaired or replaced the plug on a set of headphones? If so how did you do it and what do I need to pull off this task?