Quote Originally Posted by Tony Two-Cent View Post
Are you going to try to straighten out that hammered silver groat or is it too fragile?
Actually it's pretty solid. I thought it was smashed pop top or something when I first dug it up. I only realized it was silver by the way the mud wiped off so easily. I am looking into having it straightened out professionally. There may be some details on the inside that will help ID the coin.

Quote Originally Posted by aloldstuff View Post
what do you think the time frame will be before you actually have them in hand?
Honestly I think 6 months is probably about right...maybe by Christmas if I'm lucky. Right now all the offices that process these are closed due to COVID-19.

Quote Originally Posted by OxShoeDrew View Post
Dave, could you tell us what kinds of sites you hit, how it's different from Germany etc? What kind of questions are on an export license? I'm sorry for so many questions but it's all very interesting to me! Congrats!!!
All plowed fields. Most farmers had not put their crops in yet so it was pretty much bare dirt. In Germany I only hunt in the woods. Very rare to hunt a field. This is because I don't speak German and would have a hard time asking who owns the land and where does he live, etc. I don't think there are any questions on the export license. Just the pictures above and a notary seal from the British Museum saying I'm allowed to take them out of England.

Quote Originally Posted by badgers325 View Post
I have a question for you guys. Do you normally go on a guided hunt or ??
The hunt is guided in so far as we have our choice of fields to detect at (assuming they aren't in crop). As a group we would be asked "hey do you guys want to go to the Celtic coin field or the medieval pub field today?" We would say "take us where you would go if you were detecting today."