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Thread: New guy checking in

  1. #1

    New guy checking in

    Hello everyone, Ive been swinging (very part-time) for about 4 years in the southern Indiana area. I am recently retired from my full time job and hoping to have more time for hunting. I have been chasing Morgans Raiders relics in Southern Indiana with little luck.

    I picked up a part-time job that puts me into the Wilmington OH area every couple of months. I have heard great things about Ohio hunting. Is there anyone in the Wilmington Ohio area who's interested in hunting as a team. My visits would be rare but would love to hunt with someone who has local knowledge. The beer is on me afterwards.


  2. #2
    Hi Hammer! Welcome to our little corner of the internet. We are glad you found us.

    There is definitely some cool old stuff to be found in Ohio. I hope you are able to put together some hunts there!

    Best of luck and keep us posted on your finds.
    Lifetime totals:10 Large Cents, 421 Indian Heads, 2 Two Cent Pieces, 1 Capped Bust Half Dime, 1 Seated Half Dime, 10 Shield Nickels, 68 V Nickels, 125 Buffalo Nickels, 31 War Nickels, 16 Seated Dimes, 133 Barber Dimes, 407 Mercury Dimes, 251 Rosies, 4 Seated Quarters, 18 Barber Quarters, 21 Standing Liberty Quarters, 90 Silver Washingtons, 1 Seated Half, 3 Barber Halves, 17 Walking Liberty HalvesYouTube Channel: Tony Two-Cent

  3. #3
    Welcome! I have been on a few road trips to Ohio and have made some good finds. Definitely older homes there than what I have here in SW Illinois. Best wishes and be sure to post pics! Dave.
    Oldest Coin: 100-60 BC Gallic bronze coin (Sequani Tribe) ☺Oldest Silver Coin: 1156 hammered Pfennig from (now) Bavaria ☺Oldest U.S. coin: 1805 Draped Bust Large Cent ☺Best Coins EVER: 1625 4 Sols from Kingdom of Chateau Renaud, France, 1662 15 Kreuzers, Leopold I, Austria ☺Best Relics: Bronze Age Arrowheads & Spearhead, 2c Roman silver ring, complete medieval knight's spur (x6) ☺YouTube Channel: Full Metal Digger ☺Instagram: Full_Metal_Digger ☺

  4. #4
    Congrats on the semi-retirement! Glad you found us and hope you find some partners!
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

  5. #5
    Welcome from another new member!

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