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Thread: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

  1. #1
    Candidate Member
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    S.W. Montana

    MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    Well, theres a wind blown spot where the snow is gone, and theres an old foundation there.
    So, as I have had about enough of winter , I've been going over there to swing my detector, and brave the cold wind , and pry and chop and hack at the ground.
    I've been going for silver only, for now, as the ground is so froze. I figure I'll hit it hard later.
    Heres my problem. I have been reading the Edge so much this winter, that I feel like I am trying too many different options. Sort of like , I have too much information , and I cant seem to pull it together??
    I have been running, Relic Alt./ Thresh. audible/ Gain +1 / Disc. at max
    Ive dug a few weird square washers that VDI at 78 in the ground, but the vdi drops when I get them out. (Halo effect I guess)
    I also switch around to C & J and Prosp. for the heck of it , and to see a little more of whats going on

    But, last time out, I started wondering if I should just hunt in C & J ? for what I'm doing now, strictly coin hunting in frozen ground.?

    I guess this would be classified as Cherry pickin, because the ground is REALLY FROZE and its a tight spot in the valley and the wind always blows, and it is kind of cold .
    So I dont want to dig much,

    So, how would you MXT users attack this ?

    Thanks ,

  2. #2
    Administrator del's Avatar
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    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    i don't have the MXT but if the ground was that hard (like concrete) i would just detect and mark the targets that i come across and wait for spring to recover them. digging in the frozen hardpan is exhausting for just clad and some pulltabs unless your cabin fever is to the point of no return and in that case hammer and chisel , a hatchet or dynamite come to mind. i know i didn't help much huh. lol lol

    sorry Dusty
    "Honesty is an expensive gift ,
    so don't expect it from cheap people"

    XP Deus II , DFX ,TDI sl -

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  3. #3

    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    I'd wait till I didn't have to chop my finds out.... rofl

    No seriously....If cherry picking is what you want to do I think you have it right, at least one popular way to do it. Use relic mode, trigger forward for ALT mode, Dual/Disc control maxed out....ignore the grunts and only dig the zip sounds. Should cut out everything but the high VDI finds which will be your coins or larger jewelry items... or at the very least some interesting stuff.

    I think I would use a small coil to get better separation and push it hard as you can with the gain (but stable) and if anything is there you should see it...

  4. #4

    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    You can still cherry pick in relic mode just turn up the disc. I use the relic mode most of the time now unless its really clean then I might use the coin and jewelry mode. For the most part I've only been using the relic mode as I'm used to the VDI numbers on what to look for now if your still not used to the VDI's in relating them to coins then you might hunt in the C&J mode to get used to what the VDI numbers are telling you, but its really just what works best for you. If you do use the C&J mode for a long time then it takes a little time to get used to the relic mode but don't give up on it without giving it a chance, I didn't think I would like it when first trying it for a while but its mostly what I use almost every time now, because there's almost always some trash where there's coins or relics to be found. Your chance of hitting the coin when digging is probably going to be alot higher with the ground being frozen though. Good luck and HH
    MXT300 D2,950,6x10,4x6

  5. #5
    Elite Member giant056's Avatar
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    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    Woods with a a thick layer of leaves on top is the only way I'll dig in the winter, I stay clear of the frozen ground cause it's just too futile digging.

  6. #6
    Full Member
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    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    Larry's right, and plus you wouldn't want to ruin a beauty coin or relic trying to pry it out of mother natures cold frozen grip!! no no no

  7. #7

    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    Do like ole M-T does and use a rock hammer lol lol lol
    Today is my day

  8. #8
    Candidate Member
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    S.W. Montana

    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    Thanks ,
    It sounds like I made the right choices in the set up.

    I went out yesterday , right after I posted this. It was 45 degrees and sunny.
    But, that dang wind was HOWLING through that tight spot in the valley.
    It was calm , here at the house, but just up the road, in that tight spot it was blowin so hard , my detector was getting blown off track.

    I set up in Relic Alt/ +1 Gain/Disc at max/ Thresh audible.
    I chopped out a few washers that came in at 78 vdi
    Then I got an 80 vdi hit , at 0 inches,,,, so I chipped and pryed, a cup size hole.
    about 8 inches down theres a steel plate ?
    I had quite a bit of time into chipping away at it, and the sun went behind the mtn.
    So, I was done,
    I'll go back when the ground thaws.
    I do use picks, I usually have at least 1 Estwing in a hammer loop at all times, but yesterday I took 2, 1 to pound the tip of the other into the ground.
    I also had a 10 long chisel.
    And Judy , you are right, as I was digging , I started thinking about the possibility of scratching a coin, as my holes seem to be smaller than normal.

    It was sure nice to get out though, and now the temps are dropping again, and snow is on the way.

    H.H. to you all,

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    Howdy Pard!
    That's some tough ground to resist the efforts of not just one rock hammer, but two! Wow!

    It is entirely possible that I might head up to Montana to do some hunting during the coming year. I can assure you it won't be when the ground is hard!

    Unless I am forgetting or remembering wrong, you are in the Missoula area. There are some real honest to goodness treasures up your way, and I'd like to claim some myself. Maybe we could tag up and hunt together. By that time, my leg should be back to something approaching normal, and I'll be ready for rough country hunting.

    We got a storm headed this way too, but I suspect you'll see weather before it gets here.
    Good time for researching at the library.

    Keep your chin up amigo. And if I do get up there, maybe I can show you a few tricks on that MXT. I ain't no Jeff Foster, but I have learned a thing or two along the way on my own.

    Quarters = 123
    Nickels = 60
    Dimes = 104
    Pennies = 246
    Half Dollars =
    Dollar Coins = 3
    Total Coins = 535
    Gold Sale 2/5/13 = $25.50
    YTD = $73.21

    Its Going to be a Shpadoinkle Day!

    Gunning for Gold!

  10. #10
    Candidate Member
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    S.W. Montana

    Re: MXT,, I'm starting off the season in confusion.

    Heck Yeah M-T !

    I would be more than happy to run around with ya.
    As far as treasures go, I can definitely show you where some gemsstones are.
    Sapphires, Garnets, Birds Egg Opal, Soapstone, Quarts Crystals, and just last week in waist deep snow, I was shown a nice spot for placer gold. I packed out 4 each ,1 gallon bags full of sample dirt, and there was more gold in those 4 bags than what I usually get in 10 buckets.
    Do ya think that knee would be OK on Horseback? because I've got plenty .
    I do have a 4 wheeler, and if you want I've got plenty of friends that would lend me one for a day here and there.
    I could show you some pretty neat country, and theres signs of old mines everywhere it seems .
    I also use the Cadastral maps and Geocommunicator maps on everything, so I wont get us into any trouble.

    It would be an Honor to hunt with you M-T. You just let me know as the time nears , and I'll schedule plenty of time to run around with you.

    Now I'm all excited, I' bet I could learn alot from you.
    Well, I hope your knee heals right , and i'm glad to hear your Operation is finally over.

    Take Care

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