I am so bummed. After weeks of bitter cold temps, high winds and snow, the temp has finally climbed a bit. I got out for about 3 hours today to enjoy the warm-up. You may remember my last hunt was at a swimming pool going back to the 1920s. It was a very short hunt, which resulted in a handful of surface dimes, 3 wheaties, and a merc. Very little trash in that hunt.
Fast forward to today. My site went all jekyll and hyde on me. The rest of the grounds were LOADED with iron trash. Large areas completely nulled out. The rest, nothing but clad. surface clad. I felt like I was at a tot-lot. It must cost 10 cents to get in because I dug dimes by the dozen here, along with memorials and a handful of quarters. But that was it. Nothing more than 2 inches deep, nothing old, no silver. My honeyhole turned to vinegar. I am so torn. It's out of town, so it takes about 30 minutes to get there. I pulled 4 wheats and that merc, so I want to go back and keep hitting it. I hate giving up on a place. But I think I will put it in my folder of places. Too many old places right here in town I can hunt with much less driving time.