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Thread: Higley Copper Possibly?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Northern Rhode Island

    Higley Copper Possibly?

    Got out today for a little bit and pulled this copper with a deer on it, looks like it matches up to a Higley Copper. Lettering is worn smooth on the front all I can see is the deer and the ring around the deer. The back of this coin is worn smooth as well. I also dug some other period artifacts nearby. Any help IDing the coin would be greatly appreciated.
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    2015 YTD $4.96 Silvers (16) Buff (3) V Nickel (4) IH (4) Gold (1) Minelab Safari and ProFind

  2. #2
    Administrator del's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Scott there are a few tokens/ coins with a deer or deer-like animal on them so you'll have to post a real clear closeup of the front and reverse to possitively id this one .
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    XP Deus II , DFX ,TDI sl -

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  3. #3
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    The back is worn smooth unfortunately. Same with some of the edges. Ill see if I can get a little better pic and post it later. I think it's going to be a tough one to confirm. I'm so afraid to clean it.

    2015 YTD $4.96 Silvers (16) Buff (3) V Nickel (4) IH (4) Gold (1) Minelab Safari and ProFind

  4. #4
    Administrator del's Avatar
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    Scott even if the back is smooth there still might be a hint of something to recognize , try adjusting the light source so it casts across the coin's surface this will create contrast of what detail it has . its hard to make out the animals features and look like it has a large head and snout.
    Last edited by del; 11-24-2013 at 06:08 PM.
    "Honesty is an expensive gift ,
    so don't expect it from cheap people"

    XP Deus II , DFX ,TDI sl -

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  5. #5
    crossin my fingeys for ya on a higley!
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  6. #6
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    Possible. The distance from the deer's head to the edge may give you a clue if it is one of the known die varieties. Anything you can do lighting wise will help on the next pictures. Sometimes just one little detail can help ID it. Great find.
    Finding relics is in my blood

    GPX 5000, CTX 3030, E Trac, Vista Gold

  7. #7
    I'm hoping you get a positive ID Scott! Congrats either way
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Northern Rhode Island

    Better Pics


    Here are some better pics of the front, you can see the ring going around the deer a little clearer. The back as you can tell is worn smooth. I appreciate any help you can give.


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    2015 YTD $4.96 Silvers (16) Buff (3) V Nickel (4) IH (4) Gold (1) Minelab Safari and ProFind

  9. #9
    Administrator del's Avatar
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    Scott with those better pictures I'd say you could very well have a Higley there my friend . I can clearly see the antlers and the better shape of the head .it looks like one in my book
    "Honesty is an expensive gift ,
    so don't expect it from cheap people"

    XP Deus II , DFX ,TDI sl -

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  10. #10
    Certainly looks like a Higley. A valuable piece even in this condition with a hole. One of the foremost experts on Higleys is Dan Freidus. He's out at the U of Mich. If you can send me better pics, I'll forward them on to him for his opinion. Even though it has a hole and is encrusted, if you could get the weight in grains it would help. If you know someone who reloads the grain scale for that is great and accurate.
    Don Mituzas
    Former contributor for Colonials to the Guide Book of United States Coins (1995-2003).
    Founding member and first treasurer C4 - Colonial Coin Collectors Club

  11. #11
    I'm certainly no expert, but by comparing images of a Higley Copper to your photos above the deer definitely looks like a match! The deer's snout, antlers, legs, tail, everything matches.
    Lifetime totals:10 Large Cents, 422 Indian Heads, 2 Two Cent Pieces, 1 Capped Bust Half Dime, 1 Seated Half Dime, 10 Shield Nickels, 68 V Nickels, 125 Buffalo Nickels, 31 War Nickels, 17 Seated Dimes, 134 Barber Dimes, 410 Mercury Dimes, 252 Rosies, 4 Seated Quarters, 18 Barber Quarters, 21 Standing Liberty Quarters, 90 Silver Washingtons, 1 Seated Half, 3 Barber Halves, 17 Walking Liberty HalvesYouTube Channel: Tony Two-Cent

  12. #12
    Incredible dig !
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    "He who would search for pearls must dive below."

  13. #13
    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!congrats dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's one rare deer!
    Last edited by HEAVYMETALNUT; 11-25-2013 at 08:18 PM.
    2008-14 coppers
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  14. #14
    Congrats Scott, I thought it was just a piece of jewelry when I first saw it. Amazing how rare they are!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Northern Rhode Island
    Thanks Don for your help I sent you a private message.
    2015 YTD $4.96 Silvers (16) Buff (3) V Nickel (4) IH (4) Gold (1) Minelab Safari and ProFind

  16. #16
    Veteran Member Bell-Two's Avatar
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    Man a Higley Copper that is a significant find....WOW
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  17. #17

  18. #18
    Elite Member giant056's Avatar
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    Kalamazoo Michigan
    Awesome find for sure


  19. #19
    Super nice congrats
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  20. #20
    Best finds GW Button and John Adams Cufflink.
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