So i know a few of you have experience with this unit... I have a prime location to hunt built 1818 bt a very wealthy family in the town i grew up in... the house was condemned when i was a kid as a scumbag family bought it in the 80's and ran it into the ground.. the new owner tore down the house and made it a big lawn in the early 90's and has posted signs every 10 feet but he loves me so i have sole permission to MD there but heres the issue...

The property sits on the corner of 2 roads and there is 3 phase power lines on 2 side of the property... I cant even get the machine to ground right unless im 30+ feet from either line Thats gonna be the primo area... the front door and wrap around porch was within 15 feet of both lines.... am i screwed? or is there a way to get it so the lines dont interfere as much?

Thanks in advance!