Hi folks, it's great to have found your site! Though I'm not even a noob, I am hooked and hope to get some equipment soon.

I've been interested for years but put off by the science and variety of technical capabilities. Worse, it seems that "you get what you pay for" applies not only to quality but more-so to features, seeming to require considerable education. As it happens, a few years ago I stumbled on a contact who came to my home and found a couple of property markers for me. He also found a quarter, rusty bottle cap, and pull-tab. (He refused the quarter, what an inspiration!) During the search, he gave me considerable information -- and suggestions, as my questions led me toward considering "getting into it".

His information helped me develop the expectation that a White's XLT would probably be an ideal machine for me to start with. Though not an entry-level machine, it probably would serve well -- probably forever but certainly for a very long time before my abilities and needs outgrew it.

Sadly, I've lost his contact info, and have no idea how I discovered him. In searching for detectorists, I've found this site as well as lostmystuff.net. I've submitted a request for a volunteer to help me, but I'm hoping to be able to find and purchase a detector and pinpointer soon -- I just LOVE discovering old stuff!

A great big THANKS to all you folk who have given so much of your time and experience, and particularly your patience with the noobz!
