Saturday went out with one of my detecting buddies to Old Faithful and found a Merc and a small silver ring. My buddy found the only gold ring for the day.

Pictured below

Sunday I hunted by myself and decided to go to a beach that looks good but has never paid off in the 1 to 2 trips we have made to it. I started my day by going to church with hopes by the time church was over maybe Mr. Sunshine would have the air a little more to my liking when playing in water. Well when church was over I looked outside and it was cloudy and didn't look good, I almost decided to just be lazy and lay around and do nothing. Boy am I glad I followed my original plan and went to that old beach. I got to the beach about 2:00 and headed right down to the waters edge and got in. After about 1 hour of hunting and not finding anything I was ready to head to old faithful and try my luck when I finally found a Rosie. Then I started finding the good stuff right until I made myself head home at about 7:30. This is my best silver coin hunt to the best of my knowledge in my 11 years of hunting. I did find several other things including 4 good rings and the other jewelry. I think the one ring is maybe one that was given to a fire fighter for his years of service, because it is shaped like a fire fighters emblem and it say years and has some number in front of years(it is to wore out to tell). The top part looks like it maybe gold.

Thanks for looking,


Group photo