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Thread: T2 people want to chime in?

  1. #1

    T2 people want to chime in?

    A person on another forum asked if anyone had experience running the T2 at cellar holes.
    The T2 gives subtle audible cues and headphones should aways be worn. What follows are suggestions for disc mode. All-metal mode is different.
    1- Don't put the disc down to 0. Leave it at 10. This gives a better sound to large iron. Remember, the T2 disc at 10 is like other machine's 0 disc.
    2- Never run the sens at 99. 95 is the highest the machine can handle unless you are at a site where extreme depth is necessary and you want to dig a lot of iron. Sens above 95 makes iron sound good the same way disc below 10 does.
    3-Use 2+ tones. There are exceptions, but only in very specific situations. The reason for 2+ is that you hear where the iron is (IMPORTANT), and you'll hear a stronger tone when the object gives a stronger signal. This is VERY important to help you stop digging cans.
    4-I can't find a use for boost process. Maybe to check deep ones...but taking the first layer of dirt out is just as quick and a great indicator of what's below.
    5-The VDI is less important than the sounds... but still helpful....remember- the shallower the target, the more accurate the VDI readings will be. Deeper than 5inches the VDI becomes less indicative of what the target truly is. VDI works better in wooded areas than fertilized fields. Dig EVERYTHING that repeats in fields.

    Finally, ..when you hit on a nice sounding high target, turn 45 degrees and then see what it sounds like. If it then grunts low or goes away entirely, it's iron. Coins almost always sound good, from every angle. Coins from 5in and up never deviate in their VDI by more than a number. No matter which angle you come at them. This will help keep you from digging iron, but not cans. Cans can be heard by the depth reading. This you will have to practice....put a can on your driveway and a coin. Pull the depth trigger (pinpointing) and listen how much bigger the can sounds when compared to the coin. You'll learn quickly. BUT, the problem is if the can is at 8 inches it will sound just like a coin. You have to dig these...but only the first shovel full. If your depth had it at 5in and you haven't reached the target after taking 8in out, then you have a can. But, this can stuff doesn't apply at old sites where everything is dug.
    Last edited by OxShoeDrew; 11-12-2016 at 03:15 PM.
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

  2. #2
    Hi just wondering since I recently got a F75 with the DST feature. Do all of your tips apply to this machine as well? Thanks

  3. #3
    My partner runs the f75 and all I can tell you is that it's more chatty than my machine. He sets his sens at 85 most of the time and tells me he discs out all iron. I don't know if these settings make the machine chatty or what.
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

  4. #4
    Senior Member BOWSER's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    can't tell wether you like the machine or not.lookin to purchse one thanks jim
    If it wasn't for flashbacks, i would have no memory at all

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BOWSER View Post
    can't tell wether you like the machine or not.lookin to purchse one thanks jim
    buy one youll grow to love it.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspipe101 View Post
    buy one youll grow to love it.
    I bought two!
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

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