Another of my sites that has not given up a copper in years gave up an Matron today along with a watch winder. I'm still experimenting with variatons of the Park program and it does seem to have some good unmasking abilities. I ran the Silencer at 3 to deal with the small iron and cranked the Bottle Cap Reject up to 5 to deal with the bigger iron. I ran the machine "slow" with a Reactivity of 1.5 to be able to get decent depth. Notched out up to 40 and used 3 Tones. I added a 4th Tone later and I think that helped me find that copper. Like Drew was saying in his post, the copper probably had the worst tone of any copper I've ever dug. Just a scratchy blip in that 4th tone forcing itself through the iron crackle but it was enough to get my attention. I almost passed on it but I looked at the XY screen and it had small forward slash loop indication of a non-ferrous target. I dug 2 large crusty nail heads out of the hole before my pinpointer signaled on the coin. I missed out on a great learning opportunity by not checking the signal in the stock Park program or the Deep HC program that I had purposely installed adjacent to my program.
The watch winder was a screamer. I expected it to be a shot gun shell base.
Ticks were out, be careful.