You may have noticed I've not been detecting in months. Maybe you haven't, I'm kinda like Zelig, just wallpaper
BUT the local historical society asked me to detect a cellar hole today. It's on state land and they think its some great discovery
They sent me a map of the area and I told them I'd already been there maybe 10 times and found nothing. I've found things at other cellars in that area and when I find things I keep going back. I've been back to those holes maybe 150 times. There's a reason I've only been to their hole 10 times
Anywho, their clearing opened a root cellar looking thing UNDER the central fireplace. It's on the level of the cellar floor, it has an opening for human access. It has what looks like a flue on top into the level of the main floor fireplace. It's the size of what would be the inside of the central fireplace commonly seen at cellar holes. My question is this- what is below the fireplace level (the cellar hole level) of central fireplace/chimneys? I always assumed it was rock piles...but apparently not.
Was this a place where they pushed soot? The society people think it's a root cellar. I think it would be too hot for cold storage. Also, the rocks lining the walls don't seem to have any burn marks.
PS and by Fire Place in the title I meant fireplace...I still have figured out how to edit titles lol