I have been giving a lot of thought to creating a metal detecting event to benefit Metal Detectors 4 Veterans this fall. Unlike other seeded and open events my idea is a “Metal Detecting Rodeo,” where manufacturer teams and individuals would compete against each other in different events testing their skills and machines.
While I have several ideas for individual events I would really enjoy hearing your thoughts and suggestions about this charity event. Keep in mind this will be a competition with timed and cumulative events that will test sensitivity, depth, discrimination, and the detectorists skill with his/her machine.
My vision is turning this into an annual event that will be a fun but serious competition between club teams, manufacturer teams, and individuals. It will also be interesting and fun for team supporters and spectators winning “door prizes” and enjoying the competition while learning about the hobby.
I am really looking forward to your thoughts and suggestions, and if we use your idea for an event I’ll name it after you and send you something special! If you would rather send me your thoughts in private PM me, or email me at GoTreasureHunting@yahoo.com
I have identified two sites for the event that has parking for up to 450 cars, and enough area to accommodate the events, and I’m talking with the owners about bond requirements and other legal issues. I want the event to be held in different parts of the Country each year to open it up to as many clubs and individuals as possible. – Terry, MD4V.org