Well I couldn't take it any more !!
So yesterday I got out while it warmed up to a warm feeling 32* lol
I knew the ground was frozen solid so I picked a old farm house that's not lived in anymore. The owner pulled up and said We got a call someone was down here. So I figured I'd come down and see if you were finding anything ! lol He said You know the grounds frozen don't you? lol
It was kind of a toy day with a yellow jet plane and a couple cars, a jeep and a purple VW Bug !!And the Bug is a Tootsie !! Also got a little clad and a neet little box. with a picture of a wash tub, wash board, and close hanging on a close line. I can't figure out what the box was for?
Button & Toys

Here's some pictures of the bug while it was locked up in the frost .

But the find of the day came about 45 minutes into the hunt. I found my second military button, at least the old style buttons.
I'm not sure what it's called . I think it's a cuff button.
It's sitting on top of a nickle in the picture. There isn't any letters in the shield.

This is the lid to the little box. It has a picture of a wash tub, wash board, and close hanging on a close line. I can't figure out what the box was for?

But it was just good to get out !!
Thanks for lookin'