Hi Everyone. My name is Vexanie and I just got my new V3i yesterday. All i have found so far is a little bit of clad, and a couple of Zinc, but that's ok . My Brother just recently got him one you guys may have heard of him, LEROY. I used his a little when he first got his about a week ago, He also has a V3i. He has been doing really well with his,and is helping me . We spent the biggest part of yesterday out with our detectors. I am a Master at finding Pull Tabs lol. Haven't really learned the target hits yet, but i'm getting there. I did enjoy myself but I know I'll enjoy myself even more when it warms up a bit. Yesterday my V3i Initiated me I think, my shoulders and neck were soooo sore . Anyway I guess that's it for now. Good Luck Everyone and Happy Hunting