Quote Originally Posted by MartinL View Post
I really don't mean to try and have the last word here, yet my point is that several of the veterans I speak of were the same ones stating emphatically that these were the King Of The Hill of detectors, THEN we find they have sold theirs. This, folks, is where I become confused. IF the V3i is, in their own words, the BEST of the best, and they own one, THEN sell it,,,something smells fishy IMO. I assume that some are dealers hawking their wares, and some are simply antsy for testing new detectors, yet if I ever said that that ANY detector I owned was the King, I'd sure not sell it!

As far as the White's forums being really saturated with lots of helpers on the V...that in itself says there is a lot of help needed. We won't mention the particular forum name here, but those gurus were best known for giving page numbers from the manuals. I never considered that as real help from an active discussion board. IF, IF IF, the V3i is the King, then logic says all of the true veterans would keep their V3i. Mind you, I am highlighting the ones who stood on their soapboxes about the V3i, not the casual TH'r we realizes the V3i isn't their cup of tea. martin
You answered WHY those on the other forum gave such hype about the machine and that would be SALES. The main one over there uses the forum as a sales tool through private messages. I'm not saying that the V3i is not a good machine but if everyones experience is like mine then I have to readjust my machine for every different area I hunt. The ground constanly changes around here from one thats very mineralized to one that is not and it does get a bit frustrating at times. Just when I think I'm doing everything right then I learn that there is a slight change I need to make to get that extra bit of depth. When I'm not in the mood for all the changes I take my MXT along which never fails me. I don't think I'll be selling the V3i anytime soon though. My Dad always said,If someone makes something out to be the greatest thing then you better get a second opinion or they are a salesman.