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Thread: Correlate twist

  1. #1

    Correlate twist

    I was hunting my small trash infested yard again and was thinking what I could do different to attack the trash problem. I have been using Jacks correlate program lately and it has been working great at the park.
    I have found some stuff in my yard but nothing major as it has been hunted to death.
    I am one that belives that no place is hunted out as i have proved this over and over again to myself.

    Jack had made the comment that this program would find deeper coins but most of the coins would be found to 4 or 5 inches surrounded by trash. In my trashy yard it has been a challenge to use it but i have been staying at it. Jack also made the comment that I should try to tweak it to make it my own. Being new to the V3i i was wondering how i was going to do this.

    Since the program has been working in the park setting as is i wasn't crazy about changing that too much. Then i thought how could i utilize the correlate program in a trashy area. I wanted to go simple but try to see if i'm understanding the changes i need to make.
    My goal here ias to find shallow coins with surrounding trash. My first change was back off the RX gain from 13 to 7 so to make it run smooth and since my goal here is less then 6 it seemed appropriate.
    Next change was to speed up recovery delay. I went from 105 to 80 for a while then settled on 70 as it seemed more responsive to the close targets.

    Next change was to change the ground filter from 5 band pass to 7.5 band pass.
    I did this so my swing could be a little faster as i only had limited time. When time allows i will probably put this back at 5 band pass but for today it was 7.5

    I only found two things today worth mentioning but i was pretty excited about what i found. I found a dime at 3 in a spot i have hit 100 times or better. I'm sure i have hit this before with the MXT with the 5.3 coil but the hole i dug was about 5 around and it had about 5 pieces of trash in the hole with it. happydance02

    The 5.3 was probably trying to read all the trash and skewed the vdi and bounced from low tone to high tone and never acted like a good siginal.

    I believe that by speeding up the recovery delay it really helped seperate the targets . It sure seemed like the foot print was smaller. I think when i change the filter back to 5 band pass and can go slower it will be even better.

    The other thing i found was a trade token that i posted on another thread. I love the trade tokens.

    I'd like some input on this setup from some experienced V3i users as whether this sounds like a plausible idea on hunting the trashy areas.

    Jack. if you and John are listening i'd like to know what you think of this idea. It seemed to do good today and with that RX down was very stable and quiet.

    Thanks for listening to my rambling. lol

    I guess i should add: this idea is for a 10DD coil. I realize a smaller coil would be ideal but when you are limited you have to think differently. lol

  2. #2
    Global Moderator CyberSage's Avatar
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    Re: Correlate twist

    No rambling going on in any of that Kid. Sounds like you are on the right track The changes you have made will quiet the machine down. The proof is in your results. Great job. Conventional thought is that smaller coils, faster recovery times, and higher filter settings will help with trashy areas. Here are a couple of thread links with some good information. Take note of the responses made by rcsnake He worked as part of the team at Whites on the development of the V3/V3i.

    This would be for all targets irregardless of being a higher conductive target or lower conductor. If the new target/signal goes above the signal threshold of the older target/signal, then the new one will respond before the old signal is finished and returns to threshold.

    The down side is if then new signal is weaker than the one being processed it will not be heard until the recovery delay is finish or a stronger signal is detected. Hence, as you have seen a slower sweep (with the dd loops) for moving the loop is very helpful for separating out targets in the ground.

    Link to thread...

    This information is really great...

    On the subject of correlate vs. best data the depth should be the same.

    However, today it seemed that the correlate sounded better on targets as opposed to the best data unless the VDI was jumping by more than 50. The best data audio seemed to follow the changes in target information better than the correlate audio. This was experienced when comparing targets before they were dug. Should be noted that i use standard tone ID and mix mode stereo.

    Giving this some thought it would be what I would expect from the V3. However the targets were would have been dug in either mode and most of them were 6 to 8 inches down. As both correlate mode and best data look at the VDI /phase of the target and then processes the audio information according to the setting of the machine such as disc, recovery delay, tones and the list goes on.

    On the subject of recovery delay it does pretty much what you are seeing except as the signal received from the target decays on its slope if a stronger signal is received before the end of the original target signal the the stronger signal will take over and sound off. At least this is the way it should work.

    When i dig targets I usually dig most everything except iron. Even dug some -20 targets that were about 5 inches down but pinpointed small alike coins and dang they were coins. Then dug targets that vdi -60 to -70 targets and came up with a bobby in and a set of nail clippers these to were close to the surface and pinpointed small and no double beeps like nails. I must of been bored. OK, I am rambling now so I will stop for the night and go and get ready for tomorrow as I might get to go hunting again.

    Here is a link to this thread...


    In my opinion using the above logic you can use the D2 just as effectively in trash. Your not going to see through a aluminum can, but in the majority of cases I believe the coin will be dominant in it's response. You are going to dig a few nails, but it won't take long to get the hang of what that coin sounds like in trash.

    Kid, it's nice to see your enthusiasm. Thank you for your input here on the forum. You are motivating me to get out and hunt more often at the end of the day.


    "Knowledge counts but common sense matters." ~ LouAnne Johnson

    Minelab E-Trac - Whites Vision/V3 - JeTco GTX Huntmaster - Whites Bullseye TRX - Garrett Pro-Pointer

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