Took the TDI SL out for the second time today, went to a drive in theater which is about three years old. It is lacated behind the owners house and has two screens in a grass field. Like all these type places it ha a lot of can slaw and a fair amount of iron. I did not find anything old or real deep but did find17 quarters, 10 dimes, 36 pennies, 1 small ring, 1 medallion and a Chucky Cheese token. I also gug 8 pieces of iron type scrap consisting of a few rusty nails, three sparkler wires and some blobs of something. The TDI SL was amazing as there was a lot of trash and it ran smooth as silk. Used Moxie's set up not even a peep on aluminum and after a few rusty nails and sparkler wires could tell a difference between the small iron trash and coins. None of the coins were old and the deepest was only about 3 to 4 deep but was a great place to get in some time learning this machine.