I got my new Ace 350 today, and I was like a little kid ripping open a present for Christmas! After putting it all together and heading out to my front and back yard ( I have a little under a acre) it was in no time I was picking up beeps like crazy. I got a little discouraged with the first half hour or so just finding junk and having to dig holes big enough to throw a cow in, but it was very exciting after I found a small badge of some sort, and a good luck token. I found about 15 cents in CLAD, but it was short lived after I broke the little shovel that it came with. So I headed off to the nearest hardware store to buy another.

After about the 3rd hole I dug the darn shovel broke again and it was METAL! A couple problems I kept having is my pin pointer kept picking up my wedding band and I kept thinking I had found something. Also, I'm having a problem getting use to just how to pin point with the Ace 350. It seems like after I pinpoint, I dig a plug, and the target always seems to be a inch if not more away from the hole and I end up digging a even bigger hole and have trouble finding things with the pin pointer.

I am very impressed however that the 350 goes really deep! A few time I found targets at 10 inches if not more! Would anyone out there be able to give me some advice on how to pin point better and more accurately?
I am already looking forward to going out again, as it started raining. But for sure tomorrow I will be out again trying some tot lots or parks if it don't rain.