This past week I have finally been able to hunt for the first time in about 2 months. As many of you probably know, the snow has been unusually heavy here in the DC area. Last year we were able to hunt all winter.

Had about 4 outings in the usual woods and local parks. Came up with about $10 in clad total , about 20 wheaties,(no pics), and a few interesting items:

I found what I thought was an old nickle. It was pretty coated with mud and I rubbed it a little. Saw that it had a rim and figured no nickle, probably a small lid or cap of some sort. After getting home and washing it off, it turns out it IS a nickle.

Obverse. Note how the inside is decayed with the rim still intact.

Face of coin. It is a buffalo:

I found this handle today in the woods. It looks and shines like silver but there is no mark. When I saw the design I figured it was a utensil handle but then realized how thick it is. Tried a magnet and it does not stick.

Side view:

Please don't kick me off the board Angel. I only managed one silver coin all week. A 1940 merc.
I promise I will do better next time. lol