I'm sure we've all had some doozies... here's a couple to start lol

Yesterday I was hunting next to a ball park where 10 yr old boys were playing baseball. They yelled hey there's no gold over there lady yo woman, you're wasting your time All the gold is in California oh, it went on and on... I just ignored them, playing deaf under my headphones, but was chuckling to myself.

Teachers outside an elementary school teasing me- asking if I was looking for lost lunch money...

But it's not always funny. Last fall I was HARASSED by a group of 8 yr old boys on a playground! They thought I was homeless, trying to find spare change for food. They said ooh ooh I think there's a penny right HERE...
I tried to explain it's a hobby and that I had 2 kids at home. They threw change on the ground and told me to go buy my kids some toys, followed me around, asking questions, seemed interested for a little bit, wanted to try it out (I refused, didn't trust them) They got sillier, egging eachother on. When a boy peed off the top of the jungle gym (off to the side-not at me- they were all laughing...)

I had tried to ignore them, but that was the last straw.

I walked abruptly over to the group and told them Hey, I used to work with juevenile deliquents and prison inmates and they all started out as bullies- just like you guys---you just think about that and then walked to my car. I find myself avoiding groups of kids now. lol

Anyone else need to vent?