Just before the holidays, my D2 went bad, and I shipped it out to White's and they replaced it, tho it took 3-4 weeks and a few e-mails/phone call. I let them slide since it was over the holidays.

New coil seemed fine -- now I always air test and do a probe, and always got an recommended RX of 15 in the air (on the one that went bad, the recommended RX was a 7 on an air test).

Today was no different, RX of 15 on both air and ground probe. I put TX on and was doing fine (except for digging clad instead of silver @ 7-8 inches :bangahead01. Then all the sudden I started overloading all over the place -- I figured it was a buried pipe, but no matter where I went, I was overloading. So I backed off the TX and did another probe, this time air RX gain was 11, and ground was 7.

Soon thereafter, the recommended RX gain on air test was an 8, then a 7. TX boost was unuseable. Turns out the targets I was overloading on were simply canslaws 3 inches deep. This was pretty much like when the first D2 went bad.

This is pretty frustrating, and am seriously considering bagging this and just getting an E-trac. Even if they send me another coil, I just don't think I'm going to enjoy the machine always worrying about it going bad. I've used this new coil less than ten times.

And after making thru a back injury, then those blizzards, then a foot injury, I am finally able to get out again, and I don't want to wait another 3 weeks for a new coil.

Well, that's my sob story I think I'll call White's and see if they can send me a new one before I send the old one in, so I don't have to wait. Otherwise, perhaps I'll just give the E-trac a spin. Since I can't afford two machines, I'll then decide which one I enjoy more, and sell the other.

Sorry for the length, but I just had to vent :bangahead01: :bangahead01: