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I pissed off to say the least !!! I was hoping that Randy Savage Metal Detecting show was going to be cancelled. They give the hobby 100% a bad name and go against everything us good detectorists have worked hard at getting the hobby back to being a good thing. I've seen them use dynamite, large machinery and totally make a mess of the land owner's property after he promises they won't know that they were even there. rofl What a JOKE HE IS ! Just because he was a fake wrestler he thinks he can use his name like a big Star. I laugh when an old lady comes to the door with a rifle yelling to get off her property. rofl rofl
Then he talks like he knows what he's saying when it's clear someone else did the research and he's just reading lines. He calls his company the best recovery business in the Country, what a joke!
I was just wondering what everyone else thinks about the show ? Do you feel like me that it gives Detecting a bad name ?
When I get permission to detect, I make sure that me and the landowner have a 100% agreement as far as what happens when I find things. The guy I'm working with now said I can keep anything I find but if I were to find something of great historical or monetary value then we would make a decision when we cross that bridge, but I told him the chances are rare that it would happen. If it did though, I'm a man of my word and at the least, the item would be loaned to a Museum. If it was say one Old Silver I probably would just pocket it if it was a Cache of Coins then I would do the split and still make out ahead . He has camera's on the property anyway, so I never know if I'm being watched. It's an old farm field so I don't know what possibly could be worth a lot of money. Now it's a Plant Nursery / Cornfield without a fence that's why he has camera's because they've already been robbed . I'm thinking, wouldn't it be cheaper to just put up a fence . I also offered to be a look out by driving by after hours and watching the place but he has someone already but thanked me anyway. I've only seen him 2 times out of 5 since I've detected there, so I don't think he really cares what I find because he never once asked me so that's cool .
Well hope to get some Feedback about the Savage Show
Good luck hunting all :: < :uk: