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Thread: A great week

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    A great week

    Hey Guys,
    Haven’t posted in awhile, have a two year old running around the house and now have a 3 week old baby girl also. So detecting time is pretty slim to say the least. Well having some maternity leave to take to bond with the new baby, I had some time to get out and detect this week.

    Last Monday I decided to go detecting early in the morning before everybody woke up. I headed to a park that is very close to my home and is one of the oldest in the city. It has been hit hard over the years and I am a happy man when I am able to even pull a wheatie from this place. I have had a goal to pull a barber out of this park though. So even though it is hard hunting, I keep going back for more. (I must like the abuse)

    Hunting the morning started off much like it normally does. Two hours had passed and I had very little to show. (Not even a wheatie to show this time) I decided to hit one other area of the park before I called it a morning. For some reason I keep coming back to this spot, even though I haven’t really found anything there before. Just had a feeling about it I guess.

    About 15 minutes into hunting the area, I got a sound that I swear I was starting to think I forgot even sounded like. Digging down six inches I found on edge something I definitely didn’t expect, the long awaited Barber I had been searching for. Since the car wasn’t too far away, I decided to grab the camera. (I had decided to not carry it on me this morning, as I was starting to think it was jinxing me) Turned out to be a 1901 with no mintmark, I keep looking for an S to appear but so far it hasn’t

    After finding the barber I headed home to be around for wake up time for the kids and the wife. Everything was cool there and after spending some time at home and being on cloud 9 for meeting a goal. I decided to head out to another local spot that I had pulled a couple of rosies out of with the original SE with the slim line coil. I was curious to see how I would fare with the E-Trac and the pro coil at the same spot.

    Well it turns out that the right coil can make a huge difference. With the pro coil, this location really opened up. Over the course of a few hours I pulled 5 mercs and a rosie. Bring my silver total to 7 in one day a new personal best. Well I headed home for lunch and then returned hoping to find three more silvers and get my first double digit silver day. Hunted for about 2 more hours and in the first hour I pulled a merc and another rosie. I spent the last hour searching and searching but it wasn’t to be. So I headed home with my first 9 silver day.

    The next day I headed out during the kids nap time and meet up with a couple of buddies at a spot they have been working. Got lucky and pulled a nice 1912 Barber dime and a merc during a short hour or so hunt.

    Didn’t dig anything else to spectacular during the rest of the week until yesterday afternoon. Once again after putting the kids down for nap time I headed out to the older part of town and pulled a merc and 4 rosies plus about 8 wheaties.

    I ended the week with my personal best of 16 silvers. (I know that only equals one of Angels days but that it pretty dang good for California standards) Well it’s back to work tomorrow, so I doubt I will have another silver week like this for a long time.
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