I spoke with Senator Don Humason and one of his chief of staff last night at a fundraiser and got a bit of an update.

I cannot stress how bad this legislation is for our hobby.

This legislation goes beyond state beaches...it extends all the way to your local parks. The state is doing this for constancy. But yet another issue is that there is no consistency, such as in my town I can detect in local parks but in others, I cannot, as every township is different. You are prohibited from digging and removing things from these areas.

Senator Humason is on our side and is doing what he can. He said if this legislation goes into affect he will assist us in doing what he can to "undo" what he can. He realizes the ridiculousness of it's impact on our hobby/way of life.

Don Humason's chief of staff, Maura McCarthy, has asked for letters from "our community." Please send her emails about how this affects you and our hobby and the good we do. ESPECIALLY MA RESIDENTS and those who come into MA to detect/vacation, thus bringing commerce ($) into MA
