OK experts here is one I have not heard answered.

I am started hunting an old CCC camp in gold mining area of North GA . Not looking for the flake gold, but know that the steams are full of magnetic iron. The area has a stream running through the center of it and you can see the black sand. When I hunted here, every swing ends with a -94 or -94. Remove the sunray, changed coils, and it did not go away. I went over to a beach area where the have imported sand and the issue went away.

Locktroc seemed to make it worse. Autotrac was better. Had a heck of a time finding a quite area to balance.

I'm thinking that I am picking up some magnetic iron in the soil. I'm using Jack's correlate program. I backed it down from 15 RX to 12 but still there falsing. Is this noise something you just have to live with or is there more things to adjust.

I really have not had to deal with what I think is magnetic soil before.