I posted this on another forum, but I think it applies to all forums... We recently had a troll inquiring about several of our members' rings... Let's keep this in mind!

I think it is a good time to remind our members of some of the things that can ruine a good hunting experience. We all love to post our finds and receive the kudos that come along with it on the forum. We love to see the photos of your awesome find and they often provide inspiration for others... They also inspire some others to try to scam you. Folks that beach hunt are well aware of the various Is that my ring? scams that can occur while beach hunting. It can just as easily happen on here too! Granted it has been a while since such an occurence has happened, but it is good to give some of the newer members a head up when posting really good finds. Here's some things to think about when posting...

1. If a ring has an inscription on the inside making it personalized... Don't include the inscription in your photo.

2. If a piece of jewelry is very unique and looks to be made specifically for someone... Don't post it if you feel uneasy about it.

3. Experienced hunters Find Nothing! when asked by onlookers while hunting.

4. Don't be too specific about where you found it.. ex. I found this 2 kt diamond platinum ring about 100 yrds away from Pismo Beach pier on the south side. If you are adamant about returning rings or jewelry...put a lost and found add in your area. You don't want to have to figure out if someone is scamming you on here.

5. If you find something extremely valuable (There's been $20,000 rings found on this forum)... often times it's best to smile and do a happy dance on the inside... Things like that are not necessarily for the public to know about on a forum.

6. DO NOT GIVE INFORMATION ABOUT FINDS! If someone sends you a PM asking if your ring has an inscription...NEVER GIVE THEM DETAILS! You don't want someone to get the law involved with any of your finds... Use your best judgement!

Be careful folks... It's that time of the year when the tot lots are being filled and the beaches are full... Find it, Pocket it, and Celebrate when you get home!