I am traveling this week and I always take my detector with me to hunt local sites. I hit pioneer park in Mesa AZ for a couple of hours today. I am always a little uncomfortable when hunting in new locations that I don't know the neighborhood because it is pretty easy to get into an area that isn't safe.
The park seemed pretty safe, there were some Mom's and kids in the tot lot and a few other folks around. I worked my way down to an area with a large rock area where I disturbed what I think may have been a vagrant or at least someone who was on something. I didn't pay too much attention but began to work my way out of the area.
I wear headphones when I detect so it pays to look around pretty regular. I noticed something out of the corner of eye and turned to find that this person had snuck up behind me and was about 10 feet from me. It scared the **** out of me. He made a disgusted face and started to head away and then turned back and started at me. Then he stopped and turned the other way walking off. I didn't soil myself but it was close.
Normally I feel that if the need should arise, I could pull out my Lesche but I found today that if this man had rushed me there would be no way I could have pulled it out in time, he was just too close.
I think that I may have to stop wearing the headphones when I am in unfamiliar areas. It may mean missing some targets but I don't want to be in that position again. Remember everyone, it is easy to get so absorbed in the hunt that you lose awareness of your environment but keep your eyes open. You never know who is watching.
