Early last week I got one of those phone calls you never want to get. A call saying that my uncle and godfather was found dead in his bed of a brain aneurism. It was a tough week to say the least. The services were held Sunday and Monday. Being a pall bearer I needed to be back to the church by 11:15 Monday for the burial. We spent the night at another one of my aunt and uncles house. Staying there I wasn't too far from the sport camp my uncle runs. I set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. and was swinging with my head lamp by 6:15 a.m.
In about four hours I was able to sniff out 3 silvers and a 1867 IH!

So I packed up and headed over to the church for the burial. Afterwards everyone went inside for a bite to eat and then went their separate ways. So was going to go back to the camp but as I was pulling back into my aunt and uncles drive I decided to just hunt there at their house. It's a late 1800's farm house. The first hole was a wheatie. After that I wasn't finding to much other than some clad, when I got a 7-42 ,8-43 at 7-8 inches. I got down to the coin and seen the silver edge sticking out of the back of the hole! I thought it was a quarter till I popped it out and seen it was BIG SILVER!! Turned out to be a 1942 WLH!! A nice addition to the days take.

The keepers cleaned up.

Thanks for lookin' & HH everyone!

R.I.P. Uncle Jim