Hey everybody!

I'm Jennifer from North Carolina. I'm using an El Cheapo Bounty Hunter "Fun Finder" that we bought my oldest daughter a few years ago for Christmas. She used it for about 7 seconds and she was done.

I lost my Dad in 2013, and my Mom in 2014, and I was her caretaker for 8 years. Needless to say I've not handled it well. We're coming up on the anniversary of her death, so I decided I needed a new hobby and I picked up the detector.

So far, I've hunted my yard, my neighbors yard, the field behind our house, and this weekend I hunted in the yard of a friend who lives on the edge of Averasboro Battlefield, along the edge of the river, and a few fields that weren't posted with "No Trespassing" signs, lol.

I've found a ton of nails, cans, random metal I can't identify, a nickel, 4 pennies, and a bobby pin!

I'm having fun, but I fear I will soon get bored if I can't find somewhere to go!

In NC, you can't hunt in state owned parks. I'm running out of ideas of places to go!!