Got a chance to get out for a few hours last weekend. We had permission to hunt a 1850's house from 2 weeks ago. The house is for sale and the owner said we could come back in a week after they had their open house. So we hit that place for a couple of hours. It was pretty obvious it had been hit before. Not much there except for clad. But I did manage a IH, a old compact and a wheatie.

So we went to a place one town over. The same weekend we got permission for the 1850's house we got another "come back next week". They were having a yard sale at the time. When we got there the lady came to the door, I asked if she remembered talking to me and she said "Ah, yeah... We decided it's a no." So that tells me she told her husband in the meantime and he said no. So we went to the house across the street that we got a yes at after we got the no from the yard sale people the week before. I had some nice, and some weird finds there. Snagged another IH, a "44 Washington, and 2 Mercs. Plus 2 Buffs. But the buffs were right on the surface. In the grass.

I think the Buffs were part of a piece of jewelry or something. It looks like they were brazed to something, or together or something. There are three brazing spots on the edge of each of them.

Here's the keepers:

I found a couple of other interesting finds during the day. One being one of my favorite things to find! Old dag taxes!
And this might not be my oldest one, but I think it's my favorite one I've found. With the dog sticking out of a dog house!!

Thanks for lookin' & HH!!