I made a last minute decision this morning to get out before the rain , this was a new site i've been wanting to try and for the few hours I was I thought I did pretty well. This was a nice looking "older" type cellar with the stone was very collapsed but a bit larger than most .

My first solid target was this nicely ornate framed shoe buckle , its a bit on the smaller side with not much curvature and the tongue is very thick and stout . It looks like an early mid 1700's era type to me that was repaired at some point the brass "chape" must of given away and a stronger iron one was fitted for it . one picture is just out of the hole and the other later when i cleaned most of the dirt out of it .

My second good target was a small holed coin that i thought was a farthing at first but turned out to be one of my oldest coins , a 1655 French Liard .

shortly after i got another coin that was turned into a button .then a very very worn King George copper .

After few hours the rain cam and chased me out but i'll be back when the foliage falls away and opens the area some more.

HH all .
