So 7am this morning I head out to the indian reservation to buy smokes. $26.00 a carton compared to close to $100.00 at any other store here on Long Island. And yes, I know its bad for me and I REALLY do have to quit... So after getting the smokes I decided to stop at the car wash. Im in the place while my car is going through the wash and hear a loud bang. Across the front window of the place I see a nissan pathfinder come rolling to a stop with the back window blown out and the bumper pushed up to the rear seat. Look for the other car and its gone. Hit and run >:\ We all go outside, the guy in the pathfinder is ok. Someone comes walking across the street. He was sitting on his porch having some coffee and saw the whole thing. An older model green jeep cherokee was flying down the road, came up behind the pathfinder, slammed on his brakes, skidded about 50' and slammed into him. Then he hung a hard left and cut down some side streets. The guy who owns the pathfinder is bumming out untill 1 of the bystanders walks down the 100 yards, where the impact was and finds a license plate <: I wish I could have been there when the cops rolled up to the jeep owners house