I have always had good luck with the ground Tracking on The V3. I have favored having Ground Tracking turned on with a lower Speed setting of 20. I hunt mostly park like environments and older school grounds. Recently I ventured out onto a grass parkway strip. There was a series of light poles and I could see the power cable ran underground right along the curb. I had to turn down the sensitivity setting to accommodate the EMI issues in this area. As I started digging coins and pinpointing I noticed the 3 frequency pinpoint was not representing the coins properly. The 2.5 kHz response would drop and the 22.5 kHz would creep up. I would re-ground balance and it would read correctly again. A lot of other V3 users on the forums would use Locktrac when hunting, so I gave this a try. The ground balance stopped drifting and the coins continued to pinpoint correctly for the remainder of the hunt. I have since used the Locktrac setting turned on in my hunts. Things are sure a lot quieter and I am still finding the good stuff. So I was interested in others experiences with ground tracking, and when/when not to use it. I recheck my ground balance every once in a while while hunting as recommended. So is ground auto tracking really necessary in yard and park environments? Lets here what you think on this subject, and what your experiences are.
