Howdy Folks!
As you probably know by now, the surgery I was to have on Dec 31st didn't happen.
Things went badly askew when they couldn't seem to find a vein to start an I.V.

I visited with the surgeon yesterday and he has rescheduled my next surgery attempt for January 25th.
It is my hope that I'll get the job done and be on the mend almost immediately afterward.
He will take me first thing in the morning at a different surgical center much closer to home.
The downside being, I'll need to arrive at 6:00am for my surgical prep.

While I thought I was being clever by suggesting he order me up a visit to Aurora Medical Center to have them start an I.V. line there, using an AV300 vein finder, illuminator or otoscope to help pinpoint a vein, he said he didn't feel that was necessary. I wanted to get a line started the evening before and show up for surgery with all the plumbing already installed. But he said that was unnecessary. He said in worst case scenario, they plug into the jugular vein. That's a pretty brutal stick, so I hope it doesn't come to that. He also said they wouldn't allow any of the nurses to mess with me and would have the gas passer insert the line. That does not give me an abundance of comfort.

Anyhow, that's the latest.

Meanwhile, I still have a torn medial meniscus and a badly damaged lateral meniscus in my left knee.
I cant kneel to dig targets and getting in and out of the car at work makes that a real painful experience too.
Guess I'll just need to wait my next appointment to get this thing resolved.

Wish me luck, because it looks like I'm gonna need it.
