Howdy Folks!
For anybody interested in trying their hand at night hunting, I offer a couple of videos that show me and Pipster doing exactly that.

It is wise, when night hunting, to work with a partner so you can watch one another's back. Never know who might be lurking nearby. There are nefarious types out in the world, but we've never had a problem with that.

The first video was made a year or two ago, and before I got better at shooting video. It is shot using available light only, and whatever comes from our headlamps.

The second video is an improvement as I have been learning how to shoot video better over time, and shows two different styles of headlamps at work in the field.

These were shot on actual hunts, with nothing staged or set up. They show finds as they were made on the hunt.

You'll see references to my Imaginary Friend Pipster. That was a joke we enjoyed from another forum where a rumor started that Pipster wasn't a real person, but merely a figment of my imagination. We both got a heckuva kick out of that, and often had fun referring to Pipster as my imaginary friend!

Anyhow, without further ado, here are the videos. Enjoy!
Oh, and they were shot in winter. You'll notice in some shots that we have our rock hammers to bust up frozen ground and wood chips.

Night Hunters.mp4

