I have been using the F5 at all the totlots and then searching the grass areas afterwards, in parks that I have hunted and hunted and hunted.

The F5 has gotten more than a few clad coins in spots that were very close to metal poles, and the IDX didn't detect them, when I had searched there, for some reason. 8/
There were many fence poles,slides, swings and monkeybars that, right next to the metal poles, the F5 sounded off on coins, and I know I had checked as close as I could get, with the IDX at the same exact locations in the past. Some coins were very discolored meaning they had been hiding for a while.

I guess the Fisher F5's 5X10, thinner but longer coil was able to get closer than the 6 inch IDX coil on the Whites IDX. This has happened in almost every park I have been to with the F5 that I had used the IDX at.

My clad coin total has gone up since using the F5 this year----this month!!!!!!. I don't think it is a coincidence that I have been getting more coins and closer to metal structures while using a new detector less than a month old. 8) 8)
The F5 vs. the IDX ......the F5 is gaining more of a lead each time I use it.