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Thread: Back to the Eagle Plate site Saturday and got my 4th George Washington of the Year

  1. #1

    Back to the Eagle Plate site Saturday and got my 4th George Washington of the Year

    I was eager to get back to the cellar hole that is on private property that I have permission to hunt any time. Last week I got the Eagle Belt Plate and other eagle relics. I was obviously very eager to get back there this weekend. I was not disappointed!

    My first target was a nice old dandy button right off the bat. Started rolling logs and kicking fallen branches when underneath a large fallen branch I got a low vdi reading in the shotgun range. Surprisingly I found a small pocket spill with two fatty Indian Heads stuck together, both dated 1863. Targets were getting hard to come by when I got a mid 50's VDI reading on the side of a small sloped hill about a 100ft from the cellar hole. As Dave was walking over to me I told him that I have a nice repeatable target as he watched me pull out my 4th George Washington Inaugural button of the year. It was another Eagle with Star and my third one of this variety. Then just as we were leaving I pulled another eagle button from the site which is a General Service button.

    I can't even begin to tell you all how lucky I am to have permission to hunt all this property. A few hundred acres to cover with more cellar holes to find.The land owner even told me today that Dave and I can use his two seater ATV which is called a "Mule" for the next few hunts. We will be able to cover a lot of ground quickly with that bad boy. The only bad thing is that my machine broke this morning after falling to the groundso now I am gonna have to wait a few weeks before we get back out there.
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    Visit my metal detecting you tube channel to watch some of my digs.

  2. #2
    Administrator del's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    saaaweeet GW Todd , that site has been very generous to you
    "Honesty is an expensive gift ,
    so don't expect it from cheap people"

    XP Deus II , DFX ,TDI sl -

    Click here to view my finds album

  3. #3
    awesome! congrats on your 4th! hell of a lot better shape than mine what a bummer of a day today.hopefully you'll have it back in no time!
    hey maybe that decorative cap was a colonial lazer pointer end! bet the cats loved that in 1789!
    2008-14 coppers
    2009-32 coppers
    2010-34 coppers 2-GW buttons
    2011- 80 & 3/4 coppers 1-GW button
    2012- 92 coppers/large cents 1-GW button
    2013- 57 1/4 coppers 6- GW Buttons
    2014- 69 coppers 1-GW button
    2015- 20 1/4 coppers
    2016-44 coppers 1-GW button
    2017-19 & 1/2 coppers
    2018-19 coppers 1-GW
    2019-5 coppers
    click to see my photo album

  4. #4
    AAAAHHHH Get that thing fixed!! That button great, and RR tags, etc etc, great finds Todd!
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

  5. #5
    Elite Member The Rebel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Southwest, CT
    WTG on the 4th GW Todd! Awesome relics!
    Minelab Manticore / SPECTRA V3i, Pro-Pointer II. Lesche Digger.
    Oldest Copper: 1694 William & Mary Halfpenny. Oldest Silver: 1663 1-Reale

    My Album

  6. #6
    Elite Member milco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Milwaukee WI
    Congrats on the awesome finds! GW button, RR baggage tags, etc, Nice stuff!!
    Minelab Equinox 600 & Whites Coinmaster, Garrett Propointer, Lesche Digger
    Oldest silver: 1853 Half-dime & 1876S Seated Quarter / Oldest coin: 1849 US Large Cent / 1854 Upper Canada One Penny Bank Token

  7. #7
    Unreal finds !
    Oldest find: 5,000 year old copper spearhead
    Oldest coin: 1699 William III halfpenny
    Purdiest coin: 1832 Capped Bust quarter
    Coolest find: USA button with blue threads still on shank

    "He who would search for pearls must dive below."

  8. #8
    todd did you make out the writing on that carriage tag?
    2008-14 coppers
    2009-32 coppers
    2010-34 coppers 2-GW buttons
    2011- 80 & 3/4 coppers 1-GW button
    2012- 92 coppers/large cents 1-GW button
    2013- 57 1/4 coppers 6- GW Buttons
    2014- 69 coppers 1-GW button
    2015- 20 1/4 coppers
    2016-44 coppers 1-GW button
    2017-19 & 1/2 coppers
    2018-19 coppers 1-GW
    2019-5 coppers
    click to see my photo album

  9. #9
    Congrats Todd! that's in great shape!

  10. #10
    Elite Member giant056's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Kalamazoo Michigan
    Awesome score on that old GW inaugural button and some more nice old coins for some icing on the cake!

  11. #11
    Another spectacular hunt, Todd!

    I think this is the only Fatty Indian Head spill I've ever seen. And boy, they were brand new when they were dropped too! Great detail on both of them.

    The GW button is a beautiful example. It cleaned up really well. You and Dave are making it look easy!

    Lifetime totals:10 Large Cents, 422 Indian Heads, 2 Two Cent Pieces, 1 Capped Bust Half Dime, 1 Seated Half Dime, 10 Shield Nickels, 68 V Nickels, 126 Buffalo Nickels, 31 War Nickels, 17 Seated Dimes, 135 Barber Dimes, 410 Mercury Dimes, 252 Rosies, 4 Seated Quarters, 18 Barber Quarters, 21 Standing Liberty Quarters, 90 Silver Washingtons, 1 Seated Half, 3 Barber Halves, 17 Walking Liberty HalvesYouTube Channel: Tony Two-Cent

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Two-Cent View Post
    Another spectacular hunt, Todd!

    I think this is the only Fatty Indian Head spill I've ever seen. And boy, they were brand new when they were dropped too! Great detail on both of them.

    The GW button is a beautiful example. It cleaned up really well. You and Dave are making it look easy!

    thanks Tony, the infuns both have one very good side and one bad side. I guess the sides that were stuck together helped preserve them.
    It may look easy Tony but it sure doesn't feel easy. I broke my machine yesterday had to mail it to whites today.
    Visit my metal detecting you tube channel to watch some of my digs.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by HEAVYMETALNUT View Post
    todd did you make out the writing on that carriage tag?
    I think is says Talon Dave
    Visit my metal detecting you tube channel to watch some of my digs.

  14. #14
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Centreville, Va.
    Wow, I didn't realize that you're up to 4 GW's! Awesome year and what a great site to have at your disposal.

  15. #15
    Another AWESOME outing, on the elusive ( or so I thought, ) GW .
    MXT Pro, Garrett Pro Pointer, 5.3 & and 950 coils, Sun Ray Pro Gold HP, Excalibur , 1000 coil, 2, Whites Dual Field PIs, Sovereign GT

    Oldest Silver: 17?2 Half Reale

    Oldest Coins: 1723 Halfpenny ,1729- ? KG 2rd Half Penny, 1786 Connecticut Copper, 1787 Fugio.

    11@ 1807,8 Reale Counterfeit Cache

  16. #16
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Western MA
    WOW! You have really killed it this year! One GW is a find of a lifetime...and you found 4 this year!
    I think you have reached your lifetime quota. I think you have to put at least 2 back!
    Congrats on the new GW!
    2014 Goals: 20 Silver, 5 Large Coppers, 1 Gold Coin (not anticipating being able to detect much this year; NEW BABY HERE!!)
    So Far: (0) Silver; (2) KG, LC 1807; (2) IH; (3) Buff

    2013 Total: 36 Silver; 5LC (including 1 FUGIO)
    2012 Total:101 Silver; 11 LC

  17. #17
    Veteran Member Bell-Two's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    South West Ohio
    That is an impressive hunt....I am blown away with such results....
    Psalms 24:1 ¶ The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains...But God shares with us who search!
    Member Dayton Diggers CTX 3030- Minelab E-Trac

    click here to view my finds album

  18. #18
    Senior Member Beefcake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    New Philadelphia, Ohio
    That is awesome! My buddy got one similar to that this last spring at an old school foundation in the woods... He didn't know what it was when he found it... I did and my hands were literally shaking when he put it in my hand!
    CTX 3030, Garrett Propointer
    2013 Silver count: 27
    2012 Silver count: 30
    2011 Silver count: 58
    2010 Silver count: 77

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